Chapter 20: mafloy manor, again

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Emma rolled over on the hard concrete floor.

"Ow", she groaned. Emma sat up and looked around, trying to remember what happened.

"Oh no", she quickly stood up and walked around. "Draco! Draco!"

Then she heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "Draco?" Emma called out again. She crept towards the bars in front of the staircase and saw who was coming down. Emma soon realized where she was.

"You will never see Draco again", Lucius Malfoy said once he reached the bottom.

"What have you done with him?"

"You think I would harm my own son?", Lucius laughed, "I want nothing but the best for him. But you, you little mudblood, come and take him in the middle of the night"

"I didn't take him. He wanted to leave", Emma said sternly, "and I don't blame him. This place is a prison"

"If I were you, I would be happy to still be alive", Lucius turned to walk back up the stairs.

"Where's Draco?" Emma asked.

"That is none of your concern", Lucius walked away.

Lucius entered the dining room. "Now, where were we?"

"Don't you dare hurt Emma", Draco said. He sat at the end of the long table filled with the wizards from the street.

"You care for that filthy mudblood?" Lucius sat at the other end of the table. "I thought we raised you better. Look at what you're wearing! Muggle clothes".

"You raised me wrong", Draco almost stood up but the deaths eaters pulled out their wands.

"Settle down Draco, before I throw you in the dungeons with her"

"That would be better than here", Draco mumbled. Lucius stood up and walked over to him.

"Go to your room" he ordered.

"I don't live here anymore", Draco looked his father in the eyes. Lucius whipped out his wand and pointed it in Draco's face, making Draco flinch.

"You will do as I say"


Draco starred at the ceiling as he lay on his bed. He tried to come up with a plan to break out, but his room was guarded by wizards who were way more experienced than him. His father used a charm to lock the window, and Draco no longer had his wand.

"Draco, dear?" His door cracked open, revealing his mother.

"What", Draco sat up. She closed the door behind her and walked over to him.

"I am so sorry for all of this", she sat beside him.

"For kidnapping us? For threatening me? For locking up the person I love?" Draco soon realized what he had said.

"You love that girl?"

Draco nodded.

"Draco", his mother grabbed his hand. Draco looked up at her. She slowly pulled out her wand and held it out. "Here"

Draco furrowed his brows and took the wand. "Why are you giving this to me?"

"Because you deserve to be happy. And if she make you happy then..." she stood up to walk away. "...then why should I stand in the way?"
Narcissa put her hand in the doorknob, "use it wisely", she said before exiting.

Draco examined the wand and constructed a plan.

"I could go through the window, climb down, go around to..."


Emma sat in the darkness of the dungeon. She tried apparating but it didn't work. They had also taken her wand away so there was no way she was getting out of there.

"Stupify!" She heard. Emma watched as an unconscious death eater body rolled down the stairs.

"Emma!" The voice hissed.

"Draco?" Emma ran to the bars. "Draco!"

"Are you alright? I'm getting us out of here", Draco opened the cell and Emma jumped into his arms. Draco embraced her back before they walked out.

"Shh", Draco creeped around to make sure the coast was clear. "Let's go" Draco grabbed Emma's hand and ran for the door.

When they stepped outside, Emma realized it was already nighttime. They ran through the yard until they reached the front fence.

"Draco stop!" Lucius shouted from the mansion. The four remaining death eaters and Draco's mother followed behind him.

"What now?" Emma panicked.

"I didn't think this far". Draco tried to open the fence.

"Retrieve Draco, but kill the mudblood" Lucius sent the death eaters after them.

"I'm sorry, Emma", Draco pulled out his new wand, ready to fight. Emma grabbed Draco's arm.

"We can apparate!" She turned to him. Draco's eyes widened. Emma closed her eyes and concentrated.

Draco took one last look at his mother before closing his eyes.

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