Chapter 16: Malfoy Manor

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Emma opened her eyes and looked at the mansion in front of her.

"It worked!"

Emma looked around for a way past the gate. "Maybe I should have apparated past that", Emma said to herself. She walked closer to it, hoping to find a way in.

Emma was startled when she heard a noise come from behind her. She whirled around to see the owl.

"Do you know a way in?" She asked it.

The owl, seemingly understanding her, flew around to the side of the house. Emma followed. The owl then flew over the fence and up into an open window on the second floor.

"Am I supposed to hop the fence and then scale the side of the house to get in?" Emma whispered to herself. The fence didn't look too difficult to get over so the began to climb.

Once she was over, Emma looked up to the window and calculated how she was supposed to get up there. Just then, a broom fell out of it.

Emma picked up the broom and flew up to the window. She looked inside and saw Draco peering out his bedroom door like he was looking out for someone.

Emma grabbed onto the edge of the window and tried to pull herself in. The broom underneath her fell, leaving Emma dangling outside the window.

Draco rushes over and helped Emma in. Emma tripped but stopped herself from falling into Draco's arms.

"I didn't think you would actually come", Draco said as he summoned the broom back to him.

"I had nothing better to do", Emma shrugged, looking around his room. He had a four-poster bed with a black frame, which matched his black dresser and bookshelf. His bed set was Slytherin themed with black, green, and grey pillows to match his grey covers.

"I'm glad he found you", Draco said, gesturing to his owl who was perched on the windowsill. He turned back to look at Emma. "And have you eaten? You look sickly"

"My health is none of your concern", Emma continued to look around his room. "Why go through the trouble of sending an owl to me. If you wanted to talk then why not come in person?"

"For one thing, I didn't know where you were. And, well, it's kinda hard to leave the house", Draco said. "My parents check up on me at least once an hour to make sure I haven't been attacked by an anti-death eater"

"So did you bring me here to kill me?" Emma joked, "I mean, I'm anti-death eater and a mudblood. I'm sure your parents wouldn't be too fond to find me in here"

"I'm not going to kill you. I already told you back at Hogwarts that I don't care that you're a mudblood. I really like you, Emma", Draco took a step closer to her.

"What's funny is that I believed you", Emma blinked away some tears, "until you chose their side"

"I had no choice"

"You could have stood up for what you claim you believe in. Instead you went directly against us. Against me"

"I thought Harry was dead! I thought there was no way we could win so I went to stand by my mother!"

"But Harry wasn't dead. You saw that!"

"What was I supposed to do? It was too late" Draco stepped closer to her.

"No it wasn't. You could have come back to our side", Emma choked back tears, "but you didn't. You ran. Like a coward." Emma pushed on Draco's chest.

Now Draco was also tearing up.

"I was never going to fight you", Draco looked down.

"But you weren't going to fight with me either"

Just then they both heard footsteps approaching the door.

"Hide!" Draco hissed at Emma.


"Uh, slither under the bed", he quickly said. Emma gave him a little look for his bad pun before crawling underneath his bed.

She watched as the door opened and a set of feet stepped in.

"Are you a alright in here?" His father asked.

"Yes father. The same as I was last time you came in. And the time before that", Draco sounded annoyed, presumably because this has been how he lived for the past few weeks.

"I thought I heard someone", Draco's dad looked around the room.

"I was talking to myself", Draco said, "I haven't seen anyone in so long. I'm just... keeping myself entertained"

Draco's dad turned to him, "I know this isn't easy. But even though the dark lord is gone does not mean our faith is"

Draco nodded. His dad gave him a pat on the shoulder before leaving the room. Draco closed the door behind him.

"I think he's gone", Draco said. Emma crawled back out from under the bed.

"I'm sorry", Emma said.

"For what?" Draco turned to her.

"I didn't realize how brainwashed your family was. No offense"

"Yeah, they may have raised me to believe those things, but I can now see that they are wrong", Draco looked down, "I should be the one apologizing"

Emma thought for a second. "You don't have to apologize. I guess I can believe that you had no choice. Your parents don't seem like the type that would give you a choice. No offense"

"You're right. They won't even consider that maybe they are wrong". Draco sighed. "I hate it here"

"I bet. Again, no offense"

"None taken at all", Draco paused. "I want to leave. Seriously. I need to get out of this place", Draco placed his hands on Emma's shoulders, "and I want you to come with me"

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