Chapter 8

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OOOO!! Y'all are so lucky I updated this! It's so long!! Took me ages to write JK! Anyways, hope you like it. I'm not going to beg for votes and comments and other random shizz like that because I hate it when people do it. So, if you want (no ones forcing you and I won't get mad if you don't) you may comment and vote and all that jazz! I write because its good to know people like what I write. So yeah! Another thing I hate is long author notes, but only if they are pointless. Like talking about some issue that is completely unrelated. But that's only if they are long author notes! OK MK ENOUGH RANTING!! Enjoy! :) <3


Skye's POV


I sat up in an unknown room. Something fell from my face. My head screamed at me, and instantly fell backwards in pain. I sat up again, but slower, then felt around the bed, and found an Ice pack. I shivered upon touching it. I felt my face and on my cheek was a rather large bump. Then I remembered the anger in Niall's eyes. Suddenly, one thought popped into my mind.


"LIAM!" I screamed. I heard nothing in return. "LIAM!" I screamed again. Right now, he was the only one I wanted to see. I rolled over on the bed, so I was on all fours' and slowly lowered my feet to the ground. I inched up out of a bent over position, and slowly wobbled to the door. Before I opened it, I looked around. The room was a deep blue, with a few pictures of cats on the walls. The bed was perfectly made, except where I had just crawled from. On the desk was a desktop computer, and from where I could see, was open to twitter with big bold letters that said Harry Styles.

I turned and opened the door, holding the ice pack to my face. "Liam?" I slightly whispered. "Liam??" I said louder, slowly moving along the wall I was leaning against. I stumbled to a room and opened it. It was that sky blue colour that I had seen before. Where had I seen it?

It all snapped back when I saw a dark brown spot on the floor, and the closet door open. I slowly creeped in. There was a medium sized dent in the wall next to the door. And the blood on the floor looked dry. I didn't really want to be in here, but I only stayed because I heard a faint noise. I stiffened, then turned towards the closet. The was a gleam of light coming from within. I maneuvered toward the closet, reached up and clicked the light on. There, on the floor, was my phone. It read:

"Jeruhmi Shadow call durriation: 45:28"

What the fuqq?? The little timer clicked upwards. I heard shuffling from my phone, and then a sigh. "Well, Skye. I don't know what happend. I have no clue where your one direction friends are, and I'm here alone. I highly doubt that you'll hear me. I just want you to know that I have your assignments from school. And I also...." He trailed off, I held my breath, praying he didn't know I was there. "I also wanted to let you know that I love you. Just, um. Yeah.. I love you. Ok, I should go." I heard him sniffle as each word got harder to say, "I really hope your ok Skye. I love you" I heard him sob. "And I'm really sorry for being a jack-ass." And that's when I heard the tears.. He was full on crying. I grabbed the phone off the floor and held it to my ear. "Bye Skye" he whispered.

"JERUHMI!" I yelled but it was too late, I herd the familiar click as the line went dead. I pulled the phone from my ear and looked at the flashing numbers "48:07" I sat there. He told me he loved me. He told me he LOVED me..

I switched over to my contacts and found Liam. I pressed the call button and after the 4th ring, his voicemail kicked in. Great.

I got up off the floor and stuffed my phone in my pocket. My head pain had subsided, but my cheek still burned furiously. I felt warm tears trickle down my face. I lowered onto the bed and stuffed my face in the pillow. I didn't hear anyone come in but I heard a voice

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