Chapter 11

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Liam's POV


After Lou found Skye and got his Toms back, we started messing around... I made up with Ni and Zayn, even though I was still pretty pissed.

I shoved the thoughts out of my head when the beautiful girl flopped onto the couch next to me, sending a few pieces of popcorn from her bowl into the air. We were all going to watch Super 8, sadly. I had demanded we watch one of the Toy Story movies, and even Skye agreed! But the boys refused.

So, the way this place is arrange is that there is a oval coffee table in the middle of the room, and on 3 of the four "sides" was a couch. On the remaining "side" was a Telly stand with a large tv on top. There were speakers from the celling and everything. The DVD player and other electronic items were in or on top of the tv stand. Earlier, I told the boys that we should move the mattresses and blankets down stairs so that when Skye woke up, she wouldn't be panicked because she was alone or with only one boy, cause we couldn't decide which, but anyways. We had shoved the couches all the way away from the coffee table from their according side of the table (if that doesn't makes sense, they basically pushed the couches from where the were currently standing, backward and to the wall that was behind them). And then the coffee table went under the tv. Then we hauled 4 of the 5 mattresses downstairs and crammed them together in the fairly large room. Niall didn't want to help since he was holding Skye, who was sleeping but I made him since he was going to be sleeping here too. Zayn and Niall must have moved the couches and mattresses earlier.. Who knows.

The boys sat down, durring the opening titles. I was seated on the couch furthest from the tv, next to Skye, and next to her was Niall. On the couch to my right, was Harry and Louis, Harry was sitting in Louis's lap, and on the remaining couch was Zayn, by himself. Niall had claimed the pizza he had made, Skye and Zayn had popcorn, Lou was eating chips, and Harry had skittles. There was a massive bowl of popcorn on the table, along with a million other sweets. I, however, had settled with a sandwich, and some water. I don't know what anyone else had for drinks, except Skye, she was sharing my water. Why? I don't know.

Someone went and pressed play on the movie but I couldn't concentrate. Out of the corner of my eye, I was watching Skye.

Suddenly, she leaned against my arm. I stiffened up. Niall was not going to be happy. She moved away from me, leaving me feel slightly bad. Great, now pretty over there won't do it again.. GAHHH! And to make me feel worse, she got up and left.

Niall POV


Skye moved in the corner of my vision. I turned and looked to see her leaving. I looked at Liam and he looked like he felt bad, or disappointed.

What did he do??

I looked back over the couch and saw her heading up the stairs. Before Liam or I could move, Zayn got up and went after her.

Hmm.. I should go too, but I don't want to seem clingy.. Even if I already called her princess.

Whatever. Case closed by Zayn.

Skye POV


I was watching the movie, but I couldn't help but notice how Liam kept glancing at me. I figured that would be Niall, not Liam. But Niall was too into the movie, nabbing at food on the table and gobbling it all up.

I leaned over into Liam, since I was cold already and I didn't want to interrupt Niall's feast, and rested my head on Liam's bicep. He instantly stiffened. I looked at his face and he seemed panicked.. Or scared.

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