Chapter 9

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Harry POV


"I'm going to kill that fucker" Liam mumbled, he'd been here for less than 24 hours and had already tried to get up and leave.

"SIT down Payne" Louis commanded.

"Why did you leave him at home!"

"BECAUSE we didn't want to have to call the cops on either of your sorry asses!" Louis yelled.. It had been going on like this for atleast 20 minutes..

Liam had awoken when we had just gotten him fixed up. Niall had dislocated his jaw and by the time Liam had woken up, the doctor had fixed it.. There we MAJOR bruises on his face. And he was pissed. I was told we could bring Liam home after an hour or so just so they knew he wasn't allergic to the pain medication they gave him.. And ever since he woke up, Lou and Liam have been screaming and yelling.. I'm surprised Liam hasn't complained of pain yet.

"Louis?" I asked. I had came up with a plan to get them to stop yelling.

"WHAT?" Louis said, turning to me. His voice was filled with venom. He was mad.

"Sorry" I mumbled. I wasn't really mad or sad that he yelled at me but I can tell you one thing, it hurt me to know he could turn into some evil bastard. I stood up and quickly left Liam's hospital room. I walked quick-paced to the bathroom, I hated this. I mean, we've all been drunk before, we know what it does to us. Sometimes our brain turns friends into enemys when we've drank too much. I would know..

I stepped into the men's bathroom and locked the door. I stepped to the sink and turned on water, I grabbed paper towel and wetted it. I splashed my face, and attempted to clear my head. But I couldn't.

With Liam freaking out, and wanting to hurt Niall, we might have to keep him away from the condo and alcohol. And I don't know what has happened to Skye. She passed out after I left her on my bed. I left Zayn on Niall duty so Niall wouldn't go and do something he regrets. And how will Skye react to all of this?!? She's going to hate us.. I mean, we pretty much kid-napped her and kept her at our house.. Her mum has probably issued a search for her. And not to mention, we are keeping a total ficking stranger at our house!!! She could be a murderer for all we know.

I let out a frustrated scream.

I dried my face and left. Maybe I just needed a walk.. Fresh air defiantly beats this clean, anit-bacterial air. It smelled disgusting. I had taken Liam's phone from him earlier when he was passed out so I could shut it off, I shoved it into my pocket earlier without thinking. I pulled it out and turned it on. I told the administration that I'd be back in a bit, and they didn't even take note that I was talking. Figures.

Liam's phone buzzed in my hand as I stepped out the doors. I breathed in the warm air, and looked at the phone.

"Missed call: unknown number" it flashed the number on the screen. There was also a text. I exited to the home screen and clicked on messages (A/N: all of one direction has iPhones mmkay?). It was also from the same unknown number.

"It's Skye!"

"Liam, I really hope your ok :("

"Liam, are you okay??"

"When are you coming home? My face hurts too :'( they didn't bring me to a hospital D:"

"Li li? :'("

"It's Skye!"

That was the last message. I saved the number into both my phone and Liam's as 'Skye' and then from my phone I texted her and said "it's Harry! " it wasn't even a minute later and she responded:



"Is Liam ok?"

"Yea. Dislocated jaw. Are you ok??"

"OMG! :( and yea I'm fine. Niall apologized"


"Yea, he cornered me and talked to me before leaving to Zayn. I just don't know weather or not to believe him :("

"He usually means what he says.. But Idk.. Can you do me a favor, Skye?"

"Yea, uh sure"

"Get Niall, and tell him to stay calm when Liam gets home. Tell him to go upstairs if Liam try's to hurt him and not to fight back. "

"Okay?? Lol I will do so.. When are you guys coming home?"

"Within the next 30 minutes. The doctor is pissed cause Liam keeps trying to leave. He has the all clear to leave but they have to take the Iv and check his vitals again."

"Okay.. Well, we will get ready with taking cover I promise we'll be here just hidden. Play along until Liam is asleep"

"You still want to stay with us???"

"Yea.. What doesn't kill you make you stronger, right? And plus. You one freaking direction.. Of course I wanna stay with you!"

"Lol okay, g2g bye"



"Nver mind"

"Kk bye"

I laughed. I was sitting in front of the hospital on the bench.. Now, my next mission. Get Liam home..

Operation: G.L.H. in action!

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