Chapter 4

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"You-your one direction.." I was absolutely stunned.. Niall nodded..

"OH MY GAWD!! LOUIS, ZAYN, NAILL!! HARRY!! LIAM!! ONE DIRECTION!!" A group of girls were just down the street, storming towards us and screaming..

"Love, sorry, but we have to go.. Don't hate me for this!" Liam yelled.. He grabbed me at my waist and threw me over his shoulder. He acted like I weighed absolutely nothing!

"RUN LADS RUN!" Zayn screamed.. They all ran in unison, going right here, left there, another left, etc. etc.. I watched as the girls were slowly giving up.. The girls were finally lost, no where in sight.. But the boys kept running..

They slowed down when they reached a building, a hotel of sorts. But it wasn't.. Or maybe it was.. I didn't know.. I was still held over Liam's shoulder.. Until he passed me over to another boy who held me bridal style.. I looked up to see the blonde Irish boy holding me.. He was smiling.. I closed my eyes, I swear it was only for a second, but that second happened to be a deep void of sleep.. I passed out in Niall's arms.


I woke up to pitch darkness all around me. I started to panic till I remembered what had happened..

A loud snore erupted from beside me. I swear I jumped a foot in the air.. I heard a few snores in the same room, but I never really noticed them.

I reached into my pants pocket and grabbed my phone.. I looked at the time "3:46 am" I groaned..

"Boobearrr... " someone groaned "putt your phonneee awayyy.. It's not the time to tweeeeettt" they sounded half asleep..

"Harry?" I whispered.. I felt him jump.. He was just to my right.. I felt him stiffen and I shined my phone at his face.. He winced back and pulled the covers over his face..

"Sorry.. He mumbled.. "I don't know your name so I can't fully appoliogize."

"I should say sorry, I shined my phone in your face.. " I whispered.. "It's Skye."

"Skye?" He whispered confused

"S-K-Y-E" I whispered ..

"Pretty name.. Go to bed Skye "

"No" I whispered giggling

"Shhhhh, go to sleep" I felt him roll over and a few seconds later I heard him snore.. I slipped my phone back into my pocket and hoped I could fall asleep..

When I was just about to fall asleep I heard an Irish voice mumble "no.. Leeuummm noo" it came from my left. Niall must be a sleep talker..

"Leeuuummm let me hold herr.."

"Leeuum! Please.. She's so beautifull" he started moving around. He sounded upset, and sad..

"But leeuuummmm.. Shees different.. I like herrr.."

"Leeuumm don't take her away from me.. " he sounded like he was going to cry..

"Liam... Please Liam.." I could hear him crying.. Niall was crying..

Suddenly, he rolled to his right and slung his arm over me.. I was laying on my right side..

"Thank you Liam.."

"I'll love her forever.. She's mine now" he hugged me close.. I then heard him snoring.. Was he thinking about me?

I cuddled close to him.. And passed out again..


I was woken up by someone gasping.. I didn't open my eyes, I just laid there and pretended to be asleep.. Niall was still holding me.

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