Rival!England x Tsundere!Reader: Better! Part 1

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The strong scent of sweat and deodorant hit your nostrils as you pushed open the doors of your school, (school's name). You started to push your way through the crowd of teens to get to your locker, and you noticed most of them were chatting away more than usual today.

'What's got them so hyped today?' you thought absent-mindedly, 'They don't act like this, unless..."

"OMG, HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW BOY!?!?", squealed a girl you recognized as Michelle as she talked to her friends, "I HEAR HE'S A TRANSFER STUDENT FROM ENGLAND, NOT TO MENTION TOTALLY CUTE!"

 You mentally facepalmed at her statement, then directed your attention towards the enormous mob of girls that were gathering around a locker that happened to be right next to yours. Since you had to go there anyway, you joined the mix of girls and caught a glimpse of the new kid. He had short, messy blond hair, emerald-green eyes that seemed to hold a bit of a regal look to them, but his most unusual feature was that he had two caterpillars resting above his ey- oh wait, those were his eyebrows. You noticed he was standing in front of your locker and was about to ask him to move out of the way when he turned and looked at you with a piercing gaze that sent shivers up your spine.

"Hello there, love.", he stated while smirking slightly. Oh boy, another egotistical freak to deal with. You also noted he had a British accent and confirmed your suspicions that he was a transfer student from England.

"Hello yourself", you grumbled and pushed him out of the way to open your locker. He looked at you, and his curiosity began rising slightly every moment he stared at you. Then, he walked away. After you got all the stuff you needed, you looked up from you locker and scanned the area around you to make sure he was gone and walked to your first class. As soon as you walked into your classroom, everybody stared at you and looked nervously to the only empty seat in the class, which happened to be next to a certain Englishmen. You growled in annoyance and took your seat. Even though you had only known this guy for about two minutes, you already hated him.

"Hello again, love.",  said the boy, he still had that stupid smirk you just felt like slapping off his face.

"Don't talk to me.", you answered bluntly and began to do the assignment that was put up on the board. His eye twitched slightly in annoyance, but he decided not to give up just yet.

"Er, poppet, we got off to a bad start...and I just wanted to say that, I'm....er...sorry!", he began awkwardly, " Of course, I'm not apologizing for your sake, it's just my job as a gentleman to do so. Wait, no! Grr..I didn't mean that! Uh..nevermind...my name's Arthur Kirkland, what's yours?"

You swore you could feel a vein pop in your forehead, what didn't this guy get when you asked him to leave you alone?

"Look...", you started off, trying to keep your voice as calm as possible, "My name's (l/n), (f/n) (l/n) and I appreciate you trying to make me feel better, but I thought I told you to leave me alone!"

Arthur was taken back by your choice of words and stopped talking to you for the rest of the period, but, he occasionally stole glances at you when he thought you weren't looking.

~~Timeskip to end of school day~

As you were preparing too leave, you heard a certain someone call your name.

"HEY, (Y/N)!!!", Arthur called to you, "I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!"

You turned around and braced yourself for anything he would have to say. After jogging up to you, he bent over panted slightly from running so fast to catch up to you. Then, he said the most unexpected thing you could ever imagine.

"From this day forward (y/n), we are rivals!", he started off while many people stopped and listened, "And I'll prove that anything you can do, I can do better!"

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