Teacher! Prussia x Reader: Teach Me!

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Rain drizzled on your soft (s/c) skin and fell upon your (h/c) hair as you ran inside the school building. You sighed in annoyance and scolded yourself for not bringing an umbrella with you, even though you knew that it would be raining. It was finally summer and you were happy to finally relax...that is until you found out you had to go to summer school because you had failed your end-of-year exam. Walking down the empty hallway, you wondered how you got yourself into this mess despite the fact you studied like crazy for your test.


It was a week before summer began and you held the packet that had your final exam grades, not only that but it also determined if you went to summer school or not. You heard a chorus of squeals coming from all around you as you saw all your friends opening their packets.

"Hey! (y/n) I passed my tests!", (best friend) called to you happily, "Good luck on yours!"

You looked back down at your packet and licked your pale (s/c) lips anxiously, carefully opening the seal you slowly took out the slip of paper inside. As your (e/c) eyes scrolled down the paper, your mouth formed itself into a small frown.

"So (y/n), how did you do?", (best friend) inquired.

"I-I didn't pass....", you sighed miserably.

After your friends heard about your misfortune they tried to cheer you up, but nothing seemed to work. The idea of going to summer school drove you crazy and you dreaded the days to come.

~End of Flashback~

Shaking your head at the memory you stopped in front of a cream-colored door, taking out the slip of paper which had the room number you were directed to go to on it, you made sure that you were at the right room. You knocked on the door to make sure you weren't interrupting the teacher, and then you heard scuffling noises on the other side of the door, then a thick German accent. 

"Come in!", someone on the other side of the door called.

'Why does that voice sound so familiar...', you thought suspiciously as you softly opened the door.

Sitting on the teacher's desk was Gilbert Beilshmidt, one of your teachers and a close friend. He smirked at you and you looked down, a vibrant pink dusting your cheeks.

"Hey Gil...", you addressed him by his nickname, "how's it going?"

"Tsk tsk (y/n), you know zhat's no way to address a teacher.", he teased you, "I never expected you to be in my class for zhe summer, you seemed to be doing just fine in my class."

You shot him an annoyed glare and he just laughed at your expression.

"So Mr.Beilshmidt", you stressed the syllables in his name just to show him your annoyance, "what are we working on today?"

"Vell, since you seem to be zhe only one in my class today, I guess we can have a little fun!~", He said playfully and hopped off his desk.

You rolled your eyes at his carefree personality and couldn't help but smile, then looking around you realized you were alone with the Prussian male. Mr.Beilshmidt was an amazing teacher and everyone loved him, the only problem was that he had an ego that could inflate larger than the freakin' moon. Many students got irritated by this and took matters into their own hands, they pranked him constantly just about every few weeks or so, but sadly Gilbert never lost an inch of his oversized ego.

As he made his way over towards you, Gilbert reached into his pocket and pulled out something yellow and fuzzy; at first you thought it was a ball, but looking closer you saw it was a bird. Widening your eyes in surprise, you started to laugh at how cute the scene before you was. The bird had hopped out of Gilbert's hand and flew up into his silvery hair, where it comfortably nuzzled.

"How did you sneak him in?", you asked Gilbert, obviously very puzzled.

He just chuckled at your bewildered look. "Oh, I have my ways frau....By zhe way, his name is Gilbird."

You laughed at the fact that Gilbert named his pet after himself then proceeded to softly stroke Gilbird's feathers, after a few minutes you two had begun an interesting debate on whether Gilbird's awesomeness was an equivalent to his owner's awesomeness or not. You were on Gilbird's side, while Gilbert was on the opposing side.

"...and that is why Gilbird is as awesome as you, maybe even more awesome!", you finished your statement with a smirk.

Gilbert let out an over exaggerated gasp. "You know zhat's not true frau!"

 "Oh yeah? Prove it!", you said smugly.

"W-well I-I, um...", he started off, "you see I....Let's just say my awesomeness is too amazing to be explained!"

You gave him an amused look and chuckled. "If you say so Mr.Beilshmidt!~"

He looked up in embarrassment and you noticed a light pink covering his cheeks. A strand of your luscious (h/c) came into your face and you locked your (e/c) eyes with his red ones, he broke away his gaze after a few seconds and muttered something incoherently.

"Come again?", you said inquired curiously.

"I-I zhink you're awesome...", he said quietly, voice barely above a whisper.

You widened your (e/c) eyes in shock, he never called anyone awesome besides himself.

"Have you ever vondered vhy I never said zhat I was more awesome zhan you?", he said with a little more confidence, the sound of his voice startled you out of your thoughts.

Not knowing what else to do, you nodded absent-mindedly. You had always wondered why he never said he was more awesome than you, though he would to all the other students. His voice snapped you out of you thoughts again.

"It's because you're my favorite student...", he said shyly, "you mean a lot more to me zhan those other kids..."

You blushed and tilted your head ever so slightly, motioning for him to go on.

"You're zhe only one who seems to understand me...", he continued, "and for zhat reason I never say anything bad about you and would defend you if someone was hurting you emotionally or physically. I promise you, I'll stay by your side no matter what happens, you mean more to me zhan anyone else in zhe whole world...."

"I care a lot about you too Gil..", you said while a blush crept it's way up your neck, "and I would do the same for you, you mean a lot to me also."

Suddenly a sharp ringing noise startled you both out of your thoughts, school was over for the day and it was time for you to pack up and go home. As you were about to leave the classroom a certain Prussian called to you.

" Bye (y/n)...", Gil said softly, "see you tomorrow!~"

You smiled at him and waved a goodbye; your (mom/dad/other guardian) was waiting for you in their car by the parking lot.

"So, how did your first day of school go?", they inquired curiously.

You smirked. "Oh, it went just fine...."

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