BTT x Bullied! Reader: Soldiers

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A/N: This story is for all the fangirls/boys who find fanfictions to be an escape from all the pain of bullying.
Here you are my lovely readers, the BTT x Bullied! Reader fanfic!

Morning light streamed into your bedroom as you groggily rolled out of your (f/c) comforter, brushing a strand of (h/c) out of your face, you trudged to the bathroom and took care of all your daily needs. When you got out of the bathroom, you quickly dressed up in (favorite outfit) and grabbed your back pack for another day of torture at (your middle school/high school/college), (school name).You raced into you kitchen and grabbed a piece of buttered toast, then headed out the front door to the bus stop.

You would normally walk to school, but it was raining so you thought it would be best to take the bus. When the bus pulled up in front of the stop, the automatic doors opened and you walked up the creaky steps. The bus was dirty and dingy, so you decided to take a seat in the back where it seemed to be less filthy, as you sat down you looked to your left, only to see three boys trying to fit in one seat. You continued to observe them for awhile, realizing you hadn't seen them before at school.

'Maybe they're new students..", you thought curiously and watched them for a few more minutes.

One of them had shoulder-length, wavy, blond hair and sea-blue eyes; the other had medium-length, curly, brown hair and forest-green eyes; and the last one appeared to be an albino, he had short snow-white hair and ruby-red eyes.

Once they settled into a final position, you laughed lightly at their uncomfortable faces. Two of the boys crouched on the seat, while the other sat between them. They noticed your quiet laugh and turned to look at you at the same time, then they began to murmur among themselves.

You, feeling extremely self-conscious at this point, ducked your head down until your bus reached your destination.
You raced off the bus as soon as it stopped, as you were about to enter the school you got the weird feeling that someone was watching you. Looking back for a second, you saw the same three boys that were on the bus with you; they were still talking among themselves, occasionally stealing glances at you. In pure fear you ran inside and into the girls bathroom, after a few minutes you decided to peek outside just to make sure the boys weren't there. Suddenly, the first bell rang and you went to your locker to grab your binders for you first few classes, then you headed off to your first class.

When you entered the noisy room a paper plane whizzed past your ear and fell to your feet, just about everyone seemed to be breaking school rules and there wasn't a teacher in sight; you looked around the room trying to locate an empty chair, when you successfully did so, you seated yourself and began to take out the necessary items for the class.

"Hey nerd!", called a dreaded voice, "did you do my homework?"

You looked up, fear plastered on your (e/c) eyes; it was (bully's name), the most mean and utterly devious girl at your school, she had all control over every clique, group, and socially elite club at (school's name).

"N-no", you stuttered, "I was busy, I didn't have the time..."

"Oh, is that so?", she replied in an "all-too-sweet" tone, "how about I MAKE you have the time"

you shivered at her tone and looked down.

She then slammed both her hands on your desk.

"LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!", she screeched, by now everyone in the classroom had their attention directed towards the two of you and were whispering among themselves.

You looked up, afraid of what was going to happen next.

"Now, that's a good animal (y/n), or should I even call you th-", she was cut off by a thick German accent.

"LEAVE ZHAT FRAU ALONE!!!", a boy called viciously. You looked up in surprise to see that it was the albino boy from the bus along with the two blond and brown haired boys.

(bully's name) looked stunned for a minute, then smirked.

"I don't believe we've met, my name is (bully's name)", she said smoothly, "now please tell me what you're doing defending a piece of trash like her?"

The albino's serious expression never wavered, neither did his friends.

"I said leave her alone.", he repeated.

"B-but-", (bully's name) tried to look as innocent as possible, but was interrupted by the albino's friends.

"He said to leave her alone.", said the blond boy sternly in a thick French accent, "Now go away."

"I-I um....", (bully's name) looked genuinely flustered.

"Will you please leave now chica?", the brown-haired boy asked sweetly in a deep Spanish accent.

(bully's name) rolled her eyes but walked away, obviously very embarrassed. The three boys moved over to you and sat down in the seats that were located around you.

" Thank you so much...", you said shyly.

All three of them smiled in unison and nodded lightly, as if they had planned the whole thing.

"No problem frau!", the albino stated kindly, "you looked like you needed help, by zhe way, my name is Gilbert.

"I'm Francis", said the blond boy, "it's nice to meet you!"

"I'm Antonio, chica!", said the brown-haired boy cheerfully, "what's your name?"

"I-i'm (y/n)...", you said, a wisp of (h/c) hair coming into your face.

 Gilbert laughed lightly at your facial expression.

You and looked down, a little embarrassed.

"You know, you guys don't have to pretend to be my friends...", you whispered quietly.

They all looked surprised and a little hurt.

"But we want to be your friends frau", said Gilbert," that's why we helped you."

"We'll always be there for you from now on", added Francis, "no matter what."

"So don't worry", finished Antonio, "we'll be like your personal soldiers, ready to help fight any war for you!"

You smiled lightly at their comments, and thanked them for their support.

Maybe just maybe, this would be a new beginning for you.

~~~~~Timeskip brought to you by Gilbird~~~~~

It was your graduation day and the last day you would be at (school's name). You walked up on the stage, pride shining in your (e/c) eyes, the principle called out all your accomplishments and handed out all your trophies and certificates. When you got off stage, Gilbert, Francis, and Antonio practically tackled you to the ground while congratulating you on all the awards you had won. Later after school was out, they surprised with plane tickets to go to (city/country you've always wanted to go to)  and told you they were going too. You hugged them in joy and thanked them several times, and then they all just laughed like it was no big deal.

Life just couldn't get any better

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