q & a + acknowledgements + author's note + what's next?

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Q & A

Q: How did you come up with Aala's story and the million characters?

A: I got this book idea on my way back from Islamiyya. My dad was driving us back home and we were talking like we always do, he and I are close, and I was just thinking, I can't imagine how my life would be if my father and I weren't like this or if he hated me and boom! the moment I had that thought, I was like write about it! so I did. although, in the process of planning, it went from just her father to her entire family.

The characters, well, the reason the AbdulMaliks are twenty is because at the time I was writing TFH for the first time, I discovered the Indimis, and I was surprised that they were many, because I didn't think rich people liked having many children and so I made the AbdulMalik kids twenty. The other characters, like Hala who wasn't supposed to be a main character, it just happened and the thing with her and Kabir was not meant to be a huge plot point, rather it was meant to be a reason for Nassar's behaviour, but things changed

Q: Is there a little bit of you in any of the characters?

A: oh, yes. I put a ton of me in these people, I just sprinkled it all over. I'm a lot like Aida and Aala mashed into one. They're the ones that resonate with me. and Nihal, I was such a Nihal when I was younger. Abdulrahman too, because I hate involving myself in conflict; and honestly, Qasim is just male me but much tamer, and I do like my own company like Asabe; Hala is who I want to be, like her level of confidence and badassery (without the whole killing thing lol) and finally Saleh, because I moulded him after me.

Q: Does Aala ever continue to pursue her education after Nassar stopped her?

A: I had to go check, and I'm still not sure but yes, I'd like to think so. And even if he didn't in this draft, When I edit, I'll make it happen.

Q: Does Saleh eventually get over Aala?

A: Yuppp! Honestly, he wasn't even supposed to like her but my pen slipped and he ended up liking her. He's going to get over her and feel so silly later on when he meets with her + Nassar or just her and recalls when he liked her.

Q: What was your thought process when you started writing Tales From Hell?

A: I think this will be covered in the author's note but I'll still answer. All I wanted was to write about a girl whose father didn't like her, then it turned into a girl whose entire family didn't like her. And I wanted it to be sad and poetic and for Aala to be the only person y'all liked, but things don't work out as planned and instead of them being monsters, I write about flawed humans :) P.S: I has to sit and think for this one.

Q: Did the story go how you initially planned?

A: wiunnnnnnnnnnn, no. not at all, not even close. everything kept changing and it got so bad, I had massive plot holes and I had to re write the whole thing. But I love how it turned out in the end.

Q: What is your advice for aspiring authors who want to start on Wattpad?

A: 1. Don't let the number of reads and votes bother you. This is golden because I once deleted my book because of its low number of reads and I still regret that till date.
2. Try everything. Do contests and join bookclubs and have conversations in the Wattpad community.
3. Make friends. I've made amazing friends from this platform. And it's always nice to have someone.
4. Write what you want to.
5. You are not Everyone Else, everyone else is not you. What happens to others might not happen to you, what happens to you might not happen to others. Don't let that bother you as well.
6. There are always other opportunities and platforms other than Wattpad. I hope these help.
oh, and lastly! tell people about your book.

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