Chapter Three: Augustus and the Tunnel of Terror

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Mr Wo- I mean, Willy, gave my book back as Mrs Gloop commented that the chocolate river looked like dirty water. Mr Salt said it was industrial waste. Apparently, they don't know between industrial waste and chocolate in a chocolate factory. Willy told them what it really was and everyone was shocked for some reason.

"It's the most fantastic thing I've ever seen," I said.

"Ten thousand gallons an hour and look at my waterfall. That's the most important thing. It's mixing my chocolate," Willy explained, "it's actually churning my chocolate. You know, no other factory in the world mixes its chocolate by waterfall. But it's the only way if you want it just right," he turned to Mr Salt on that last bit.

"(Y/N), look over there across the river! They're little men," Charlie said pointing to the other side of the river.

I looked over to see a few little men wearing brown, long-sleeved shirts, white gloves and overalls. Their faces were orange and their hair was green. They were pouring things into the chocolate. Sugar, cream, things like that.

"Jumping crocodiles, Charlie! Now we know who makes the chocolate," I said.

"I never saw anybody with an orange face before. Funny-looking people, aren't they, Wonka?" Mr Salt said.

"What are they doing there?" Mrs Teevee asked

"It must be creaming and sugaring time," Willy said.

"Well, they can't be real people," Violet said.

"Well, of course, they're real people," Willy said.

"Stuff and nonsense," Mr Salt said.

"No, Oompa Loompas," Willy corrected.

"Oompa Loompas?!?" We questioned.

"From Loompaland," he told us.

"Loompaland?" Mrs Teeve asked, "there's no such place."

"Excuse me, dear lady-"

"Mr Wonka, I'm a teacher of geography," Mrs Teevee said interrupting him.

"Oh, well then you know all about it and what a terrible country it is," Willy said, "Nothing but desolate wastes and fierce beasts. And the poor little Oompa Loompas were so small and helpless, they would get gobbled up right and left. A Wangdoodle would eat ten of them for breakfast and think nothing of it. And so, I said, 'Come and live with me in peace and safety, away from all the Wangdoodles and Hornswogglers and Snozzwangers and rotten Vermicious Knids'."

"Snozzwangers? Vermicious Knids? What kind of rubbish is that?" Mr Salt asked.

"I'm sorry, but all questions must be submitted in writing," Willy told Mr Salt, "and so, in the greatest secrecy, I transported the entire population of Oompa Loompas to my factory."

Veruca then told her father she wanted an Oompa Loompa and she wanted it now. Veruca is going to drive us all mental at this point. Violet managed to shut her up. Charlie mentioned Augustus eating the chocolate river which upset Willy who begged him not to do that. If the chocolate is made for the public, I can understand that perfectly. Augustus still fell in and everyone was concerned about Augustus while Willy was concerned for his chocolate. Mrs Gloop told Willy to do something and he just replied flatly;

"Help. Police. Murder."

I had to hold back a laugh. Charlie grabbed a giant lolly and told Augustus to grab it. When he tried, he slipped and went under. Mrs Gloop told Willy to dive in and save Augustus but Willy told her it was too late while eating a bar of chocolate. The pipe collecting the chocolate from the river got Augustus and he got stuck in the pipe. That's what you get for eating so much. The pressure of the chocolate soon became too much and he shot up.

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