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That morning delilah called Beverly and soon after the call Beverly was there. "So are we gonna head to the quarry?" asked Beverly. "Dunno I'm gonna get dressed first thought and then we can go,"replied delilah. She put on a plain black shirt and her tight jeans shorts. As she stepped out she realised something. "Hey bev what did you do to your hair? She asked.
"Oh I cut it, does it look bad?" Replied Bev quickly.
"Oh no it looks lovley" smiled delilah, who really like Beverley with short hair. They got on there bikes and rode to the quarry.

When they pulled up they saw the boys all lined up in there underwear, trying to decide who was going to jump in first. "Lets suprise them" whispered Beverly in Delilah's ear. They quietly took off there clothes, leaving them too in there underwear. They grabbed hands and began running towards the edge of the clif. As they were falling, delilah heard Richie shout, "what the fuck!" This made her laugh. Soon everyone else had hit the water and where swimming about. Richie kept splashing Delilah until they all decided to have chicken fights. Delilah was on Richie's back and Beverly was on bills back. Delilah juts managed to push Beverly off. After a while, they decided to head back to the top and sit in the sun. Delilah was laid on her back and Beverly was laid on her front and they sat and chatted whilst they listened to all kinds of songs on Eddie's boombox. The boys however where to busy to listen to the songs. They were acting as if they had never seen a girl before. Ben and bill were starting very clearly at Beverly, Stan and Eddie's gaze hovered between the girls but Richies gaze remained firmly on delilah. After about 15 minutes, Beverly notice what was going on and whispered to delilah, "the boys are staring at us, Ben and bill are looking at me, I can't tell who Stan and Eddie are staring at but Richie is very much looking at you," delilah laughed and both the girls turned around to face the boys. All there eyes quickly diverted into other directions but Richie kept looking. "Delilah turn back around your giving me material for MONTHS here!" Called Richie winking. Delilah through a small pebble at him before getting up and siting in-between Stan and Richie. Bev soon followed. They carried on talking and delilah felt Richies arm creep around her waist. She just smiled and continued listen to what Ben was talking about. Eventually she began shiver and Stanley wrapped his jacket around her shoulders. She thanked him and she saw out of the corner of her eye richie mouth 'what the fuck dude.' Beverly also say what happened and winked at delilah. Delilah started laughing and moved herself closer to richie, making him blush.

Just as they were getting on their bikes to head to town, they spotted the homeschooled kids,mike, bike on the floor. They all recognized it and looked at each other. "Isn't th-that h-henry's c-car?" Asked bill. Eddie nodded anxiously. In the distance a shout could be heard. "They got the homeschooled kid come on we gotta help him!" Shouted Beverly racing towards the river soon followed by the others. As they reached the lake they clambered onto a mound and stood there to try and find the gang if bullies. Then they saw him. Over by the stream. They all bolted over, bill was now in the lead. As they reached him, Henry began to turn around...

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