Chapter 6

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"Hello?" I said holding my phone in my ears.

"Uhh Hi is this Cathy?" The guy asked from the other line.

"This is her. Who's this?"

"Oh this is Kobe. Ya know, the guy in algebra." He answered.

"Oh, hello Kobe. I didn't expect you calling me. Anyway, where did you get my number?" I asked.

"I was at the library the other day, and I saw the last year's yearbook and all of the student's number are there, so yeah I got it from there." He said.

"Oh okay. What's the occasion? Why are you calling me?"

"Uh, I just wanna thank you for letting me copy your answers at the quiz." He stutters.

"Don't worry about that. At least we're not caught, eh?" I giggled.

"Yeah." He chuckled.

Silence filled the line in seconds.

"Cathy, uuhh.."


"Are you with Art? You know, dating?" He asked.

I was shocked at his question.

"Everybody thinks, but no, we're best buds. We're like sibs you know, he's like my brother." I answered honestly. All of it is true.

"Maybe the other one doesn't feel the same way." He commented.

"No. Art's not like that. He likes someone that I can't tell you, obviously. Uhm, why did you asked though?"

"Oh. Uuhhm, my sister is having her prom in two weeks, she said I should come. Well obviously I don't have a date." He said.

"Oh. I could help you find one," I offered.

I heard him lightly chuckled from the other line. I can picture him rolling his eyes and a grin spread in his face.

"What?" I asked.

"I was asking you out, dumbo." He joked.

"Oh." Was all that I said.

"But. Aren't you with Mandy?" I asked.

"What? No! What makes you think of that?"

"If you think I'm with Art, well of course you're always together. Duh." I rolled my eyes. Chantel, sitting across me, looked at me weirdly. I mouthed 'nothing' at her and she looked back at what she's doing.

"She's the one who's pushing herself to me." He annoyingly said.

"But you liked it, I can see," I said.

"No. She's out of my league," He said.

"Okay, because you said it," I commented.

"Anyway, enough chit chat, are you coming with me or not?" He asked.

I stay silent for a few minutes. I did that on purpose because I just want to imagine him waiting for my answer. The thought makes me wanna laugh.

"I'll think about it." I finally answered.

"Well, be better early because I can't find another date."

"I can help you with that one."

And I'm the one who hang up. After that, I saved his number on my phone.

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