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« U wanted to talk to me lieutenant? » « hmm yes but can I speak to Andy or she's not available? » « of course what's up ? » « look I want to know why U let me in your house it seems like no one even got in why me? » « because I like U , your not like the rest of the team Robert , your different. » « which way? » « I'm happy with U I always have a great time always , and like I said before I let in people that I care for and that I like , and your one of them, I invited U in cause I wanted U there » « so I'm important to U? » « of course why wouldn't you be ? You've helped me through a lot I know I don't talk a lot about my feelings but your always there and I love that of you » « and I'm happy to help whenever U need me day or night I'll always be there I just... leave it never mind » « say it » « I feel like it's something else but I won't get there, tonight the bbq are you ready? » « yeah what about U? » « yeah kinda » « kinda ? » « I just don't feel like I belong in here you're all a big family Im just not in my place » « I want U there's so you are coming, end of discussion I need U there okay » « okay I'll come. I'll bring a swimsuit this time » he said and winked at her «  yeah it be best , I don't mind getting U one but it would be weird with all the team » « yeah , and this one is gonna look way hotter » he said with a small smile in the corner of his lips Andy smiled too « so likes it's gonna be like extra hot on U, cause the blue was hottt on you » « you'll see I guess » « I'm getting my mind off it right now cause I need to be focusing on my work » « then I'm leaving I don't want to distract ». He turned around one last time when he opened the door smiled at Andy and went to do chores. Shift was about to end so Andy joined the team who was working out . « Hey guys » « hey » they all said «  I just wanted to tell U all that for tonight U better bring your swimsuit you can all sleep at my house if U want too I have enough space » « that's good you know cause I was planning on getting drunk » Vic said « yeah that we all knew » dean add « who's gonna be there? » maya asked «  you, me , trav, Vic , dean , Ben , ripley , Sullivan. » « alright then » « we'll U Better all go back to work I'll see u at my house at 8 see u there don't forget your swimsuit » and by that Andy left and decided to stop by the catwalk . She saw ripley coming in the station she went into the reception to go see him. « Lucas! » Sullivan said giving his best friend a hug and sitting back at the reception « sully how are you? » « I'm great what about U? » « I'm also good I was just coming to check something with Herrera » « alright well she's not in her office but maybe.. » « chief! » she said as she went to go in her office « Herrera » « yes sir? » « I just need your address for tonight and the time I should come? » «  I'll text your the address and the team comes in at 8 but since you get off shift at 8 we'll wait for U » « that's perfect thank U » « no problem now will you excuse me I have some papers to find. » she left and went in her office she left to go get the papers missing at the reception. Sullivan sure looking at her they kept glancing at each other's. « Hey ands » jack said « yes? » « I've got a question for U » « I'm listening even if I'm not looking at U jack » « what are U looking for ? » « do U know where are the rest of this papers » she said showing him the papers she had « I've been looking for an hour and I still can't find it » « him yeah there in the second desk second drawer third file » « you're a lifesaver thanks » « I'm here for that ands , those were the only thing I was filing when we were fighting the captain place » «  I remember , what was your question » Sullivan's was there looking at them talk « what are you doing Thursday night? » « I don't have plans why? » « I'd like to go for drinks but drinking alone is boring so I was wondering if U would be my plus one? » «  sure I'll come, I'll never say no to that » «  I know U and beers » « yeah » she said letting out a small chuckle and going back in her office slightly touching Sullivan's arms because jack left.

Andy's house

Andy was getting out of the shower when she heard the doorbell she looked at the time and it was 7:30 so she put on a extra large hoodie and went to answer. She opened the door to her surprise to see Sullivan standing there dressed in a way she never saw him . « Hey your early » « yeah figured I'd come talk with U first when we actually can without the team looking at us weird because we are friends' » « your right , can u wait here I'll go change » « sure » he waited for her his chest leaning on the kitchen counter , he saw her go down the stairs with curly hair , a red lipstick a white blouse we could see under it , and black pants « U look stunning » « and you look handsome » she said going next to him he was wearing a white shirt and blue pants we could see his abs behind it and the form of his muscles « I might get distracted a lot tonight » Andy said looking down « oh yeah why? » « did U look at yourself ? All of this » she said pointing at his shirt his chest everything « well youre wearing that and your gonna be in bikini so I think the feeling is gonna be the same ». He was looking at something on Andy's chest it was distracting him , he walked closer to her and he took her blouse in his hand and touched the buttons « what are U doing? » « you were missing a buttons I just fixed it » « oh okay ». They were both intensely looking at each other . The doorbell rang again Andy check the time it was 8:05 it was the team , Vic maya and Travis . « Ands hi!! » maya said « hey come on in » « oooh I already like it here » Vic said « me too, this is definitely our new hanging spot » « no it's not » Andy said « Sullivan your already here » « yeah i arrived at 8 » « great » travis said they waited for everyone. And Andy served them all a drink they all took a beer ripley got there around 8:30. Andy did her house tour and then showed the backyard « GURL U HAVE A POOL! » travis yelled « I do no need to shout! » « I'm just , wow , I'm surprised Herrera » « why » « U don't look like the pool kinda person Andy » travis add « yeah I know but i moved in and I felt like it would be nice to have a pool » « it was an insanely good idea » « so let's get this started it's a bbq not a watching every details of herreras house » Vic said everyone laughed for sure « tho Herrera you have a really nice house » « call me Andy sir  we are out of work » she said to ripley « Andy it is » . They started to get the food ready cause it would take some time Andy Robert maya and jack were the one cooking while the rest of the team was having fun with the fire chief , it was weird to all of them at first cause they saw their boss for the first time only in a swimsuit. He had a nice body but nobody seemed to care except for Vic , she cared and without lying she couldn't keep her eyes off. Everyone was drinking and having fun maya and jack were dancing while cutting vegetables and Andy and Sullivan kept talking while cooking the steaks for the team. Lucas keep wondering was was that glimmer in Roberts eyes , he wanted to ask him about it but now was not the time . People in the pool were playing volleyball Vic and Ripley were a team dean and Travis were one and Ben was counting . Ripley and Hughes won and they hugged it was weird. They continue to play it was about an hour later and steaks were almost all ready but Robert told Andy she could go with her friends . Andy went to talk with Vic close to the pool to know how things were going "Andy?" "Yup ?" She asked without turning around . "Do U have things in your hand or pockets ?" "No why?" Jack made sure no one was in his way and he ran and took Andy in his arm and jumped so they were in the pool he helped her get back to the surface they were so close to each other's. " I'm gonna kill U jack" " yeah how?" "You'll see you'll regret this" she said she took of her shirt just so and throw it out of the pool. He whispered to her "now I don't regret it" looking at her up and down "shut up" she said back Sullivan saw everything he even saw what jack told Andy , he was jealous and we could see it , he tried to shake it off her phone rang so she had to get out " I have to take this , I'm also gonna go inside put on my bikini and I'm gonna need someone to help me bring back the cold things from inside" she said as she grabbed the phone to answer " Ryan hey" "I'll help U" Sullivan said as he followed her inside. " ry did U needed anything!" "I huh yeah the bbq is still at your house right" "yeah people are here right now why?" "I was just wondering I wanted to come but I'm not sure" "your still my friend Ryan U can always come U know that , just text me if your coming alright?" "Okay bye" "bye". "What did he wanted?" Robert asked annoyed "just to know if the bbq was still at my place" "oh okay now get changed your all wet" "yeah I'll be back." Andy went upstairs out her thing in the bath and she changed into her bikini it was a red top  and a red bottom , it was a little bit tiny on the bottom we were seeing a lot. Robert took the opportunity to change too he went in the bathroom and put on his swimsuit, it was also a red short it matches so good with his skin colour and the Lacey was white. Andy got down the stairs to meet with Robert she stopped middle of the stairs just to look at him his back leaning in the counter beside the fridge his abs were showing , Robert saw Andy there not moving "are U coming?" "Huh yeah!" " that bikini is .. wow..." that's the only word that came out of his mouth Andy went really close to him no one from the team could see them " U are.. god that is .. it's .. yeah that's hoootttt" "told U" . Andy looked outside to make sure no one was looking she got close to his ear and whispered something " maybe I'll get to go even hotter with you" " maybe you'll get that chance" he said grabbing her by the waist and placing a gentle kiss in her neck. "So what are we bringing outside" "you can't just do that!" She whispered yell "why not" "cause now i want U" " I want U too, but we need to get back for real" "yeah let's go" they brought the things outside "U guys are matching !" Maya said "yeah it wasn't planned" they all sat on Andy's deck or in the grass and hate , they all made jokes " Herrera remember that time we got in and the girl said hold on, like mam your house is on fire what are U waiting for" maya said "or like that time she got crazy and went to save a victims and got in front of like vine bottles" jack said "yeah it's my job "or the fire downtown when U got crazy!" Ripley asked "chief maybe we should not talk about that it's gonna make you regret making me captain" "well captain need to be at their best all the time what U did was breaking protocol but it's saved lives and U still got to get your friend out and that's always gonna be a good thing I'm still mad tho" " yeah I know I'm sorry" "what happened exactly?" " it's a long story Sullivan and Andy likes this story like she likes the one her dad tells every probe" dean said " shut up already" "don't talk to me like that" "I'm your boss miller" they all laughed and continued to say what happens on their first year at the job even Robert an Ripley told things . It was 10 already and Andy decide to go put the plates inside and get all the things inside she went with maya and Vic. The boy stayed outside "so what's up with U and Andy" Lucas asked Sullivan who was closing the bbq "what do U mean?" " I saw your eyes when her and jack were in the pool and when she got out U followed her like U needed to talk to her" "we're just friends luke I'm helping her through a lot that's all" "are U sure ?" "Yes definitely". They both went with the guys. Andy maya and Vic joined them not long after they all got in the pool and made a circle Andy had a pool with a counter so they could sit underwater. They were all sitting around the pool in a square and talking." We should play a game" Ripley said "chief U have very great idea sometimes" Vic add . They were sitting in this order Andy Robert Ripley maya Vic Ben dean jack and Travis . "I have this thing that float we could put a bottle and play" Andy said "yeah go and get it" maya said . Andy went and get it . Travis turned the bottler first and it landed on...

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