(Chapter 2)

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August 2nd. Mark POV

~Okay. One, two, three!~

I bellowed, kicking open the door, my pole in the air, ready to aim, but stopped; another shout similar to mine filled the room. My breath hitched. I felt the grip on my rod weaken and realized I was staring into my own eyes. However, it didn't seem to be me sitting on the floor. The fear on his face was evident in how he raised his arms.

The blood in my veins grew cold. My brain shut down, and everything seemed to stop.

Me. I was sitting on the floor. However, it wasn't me. As if I were looking at a duplicate. Despite wearing different clothes, it was as if I was looking into a mirror. We stared at one another. He tugged at his legs, trying to move into the corner with my broom in hand, pointing it directly at me. He looked as if he felt the same way I did. As he glanced behind me, he opened his mouth, and I collapsed, dropping the pole and slamming the door shut with a scream. In an attempt to stay in touch with reality, I kept my hand and eyes on the handle.

"I'm sure I woke up this morning-" The door handle jiggled, and my hold on it tightened. I stared and waited for it to move again, but after a few minutes, nothing happened.

I was on the other side. Was I on both sides of the door? Did my cereal expire? Perhaps it was my milk.

I should have listened to Amy when she said to throw it out.

Contemplating my actions, I opened it just enough to peek in and stare, my words stuck in my mouth. I didn't know what I was doing. This was complete insanity. I, or He? Now stood only a few feet away from the door. I stayed grounded, letting me see the minor differences between this other me. I noticed the blue dye on the top of his head first, reminding me of only a year ago. The sense of something so familiar yet painful had me open the door and step in a bit more. I frowned, noticing he seemed smaller in a way. He was probably slouching. Astonished, he stared, utterly dumbfounded. Not that I was doing anything different.

And I just walked out. I didn't shut the door, didn't comprehend what I would say, just walked out and headed to the door, not stopping till I got to the porch rail. I breathed in deeply and then out, leaning on it, but then taking my head in my hands with the same sense of chest tightening fear.

What I had planned for today had just left with the flick of a finger. The feeling of the ground shuffled under me, and I gripped the railing hard.

I glanced behind me. I pinched the skin on my arm, but it only left a bruise. The sun was the same size as yesterday, cars were driving down the street, people were out and about, and the sky looked normal. I didn't hear any weird sounds, nor had my hands changed in any way.

There was only me .

Present. Blue's POV

"I'll be at the front if anyone needs me," Beanie grabs a bag of chips from the cupboard, batting away Marcy when she circles him for his chips. "I wanna come," Marcy punches his arm with a playful grunt. Beanie chuckles, ruffling her hair.

Their connection was easy. Both came from similar backgrounds dealing with YouTube criteria, either being a famous person or working for one. My connection with them was different. I'm not a YouTuber, but we're the only three close with ordinary lives. It doesn't make us less stupid but still.

I mumbled a quick "Here," giving my dish to Edwin to put with the rest of the dirty stack.

I notice Google sitting on the sofa, staring straight ahead, the coffee table gone and in with the rest of the moving boxes. I stared at him. He was in his program.

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