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Grey eyes

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Grey eyes. Stormy grey eyes bore into my mocha ones. They were grey enough to look like the sky before a stormy night, and the blue flecks accentuating look like the ocean during the storm.

The lightness in the grey heavily contrasted against the depth in the cerulean blue spots encircling his pupil. The intensity in his eyes put mine to shame, and I knew my description would never do justice to my vision.

His high cheekbones and his clean shaven face highlighted his sharp-enough-to-cut-diamonds jawline, and added more definition to his chiselled face.

His thick black soft curls created a dark halo, making me pay attention to how well it suited his skin. 

His skin was golden, glistening under the resplendent lights on the mirrored ceiling, the random tattoos scattered across the visible skin formed a dappled pattern, each one telling a story of its own.

His body. Oh my god. 

This man has been blessed by all the gods, and I believe each one of them took their own sweet time with his creation. 

The man’s broad shoulders and muscular arms strained against the white silk shirt he wore. His rolled up sleeves gave me a mouthwatering sight of his strong forearms, tattoos scattered over the protruding veins.

As my gaze flitted lower, his abs peaked through the shadows of his shirt, bringing my attention to view the expected sight of his narrow hips. But, the fucking desk blocked the rest. 

Well, I wouldn't mind throwing it out just to take my time to admire this man. He definitely had my attention.

As much as my mind was distracted by the godlike specimen on the other side of the room, the assassin in me had my guard intact.

I smoothly took a step forward, never breaking his gaze, holding my feline stance.

"What are you doing here?" his deep voice, rich like nectar, rang through the room. I should've expected him to sound like that, this man is a package.

"Excuse me?" 

Wow Arah, WOW. 

Out of all the sassy or straightforward answers you could come up with you went with an 'excuse me'. Stupid bitch.

"What is one of the most famous assassins of the underground world doing in my club office?" He spoke up, his attention switching to picking out a cigarette from a box on the desk.

"I need a favour, Lysias." Was my short answer. I knew Luis told me not to use his first name, but it seemed like the only sensible way to address him.

"Careful there Aarirai, I might assume you know me personally." He said, staring at me like he was trying to read my soul. He steadily strode up to where I stood, putting a distance of about half a foot.

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