Firing Range

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(3rd person)
The legends each exchanged looks then finally the goggled man broke the silence.
"How bout' we test their abilities at the range?"
The legends nodded in agreement then proceeded to make their way to firing range when mirage lays his hand on your shoulder.
"You look tense, something wrong?" The two of you continued walking side by side and you finally confessed.
"I'm just nervous is all... I don't want to embarrass myself", you laugh nervously while scratching the top of your head anxiously. Mirage chuckled and gave you a smile,making you flustered.
"Don't be too embars- embras- uh don't worry", he lifted his hand off your shoulder then caught up with the other legends, you go through the entrance of the firing range and is greeted with the soldier handing you a p2020.
"Lets see what you got shooter", she stood there as you can feel her eyes plastered onto your back, you gulped nervously and start shooting the target. Every bullet either missed the target entirely or hit the rim of the dummy. You look down embarrassed while covering your face with your hair, then you hear one of them laugh.
"Don't sweat it amiga, we all start somewhere", he stood there tapping his foot, soon after you see a cute, blonde skip up to you.
"I think it would be smart if we all introduced ourselves to make it easier for them", she giggled and continued," You can address me as wattson!" You lifted your head slightly and moved a few strands of hair behind your ear.
"Uh, I'm (Y/N)", you muttered, Wattson smiled.
A few minutes passes by until you become fully acquainted with the legends, Bangalore then helped guide you on using each gun. She educated you on what hop ups to use, what sights may help, and what ammo to use, once again you took it to the firing range and stood there looking at what gun to use, you figured the R-301 would be easier so you picked that up. At the corner of you eye you see Octane,the adrenaline junkie tapping his foot while giving a thumbs up, you took a deep breathe and looked down the sight, everything felt frozen.
"Come on chica, we don't got all day", Octane chuckled as Lifeline elbowed him and crossed her arms.
"Take as much time as yuh need, don't listen to Silva ere'," she laughed, you once again took a deep breathe then finally pull the trigger. Once the gunfire ceased you looked towards the target to find you actually hit a good amount of your shots this time, you pumped your fist in the air excitedly then look back at the other legends; Each of the legends shared looks amongst themselves then finally Mirage broke the silence.
"She didn't do to bad, obva- obvs- uh she did better than when i first did it," He looks down to you giving you a wink, then you saw Octane stared down Mirage, you didn't think much of it, but you felt deep down it meant a lot more. Bangalore walks over to you and puts a hand on your shoulder.
"Now let's put your skills to the test in an actual match," she walked off and You were left confused, Lifeline snickered quietly then places a hand on her hip.
"We'll be havin' a game tomorrow, so getcha self ready for the match," She gave you a friendly smile then walked out, soon after the rest of the legends walked away except for one who stayed behind.
"Sooo.. what brought you here? To become a legend and all that", Octane tapped his foot while both of his hands rested onto his hip; You couldn't help but glance towards his abdomen, his abs were just to hard to resist. After a few seconds you see his hand wave in front of your face.
"My face is up here, chica," He pointed towards his goggles and you blush realizing what you were doing. You could hear him laugh which made you want to hide your face even more, his laughter stopped then he cleared his throat and chuckled.
"So back to my question," you look back up to him and finally feel yourself relax.
"I needed to come here in hopes of getting some money...It was one of the only things  I could pretty much apply for." You sighed heavily then looked around as you continued, "I just hope I make the cut..," you stopped then looked towards Octane as he stared back at you almost like a dog. You snorted then covered your mouth while giggling.
"Que?¿," Octane tilted his head in confusion as you try and get yourself together.
"Nothing,Nothing..," you said still giggly then continued,"What made you become a legend?" Octane chuckled then replied.
"In all honestly, I was just bored. Wanted something thrilling and adrenaline inducing" he laughed. You thought to yourself 'Go figure, he's literally an adrenaline junkie' . You pick up a p2020 w/ hammerpoints then continue to practice your aim, you blush seeing that The adrenaline junkie seemed to be encapsulated by the sight of you handling that gun (¬‿¬).
"Do you... need something?" You turn to him while putting down the p2020, he shakes his head and proceeded to perk upwards.
"Uh, no no.. nothing at all," he chuckled nervously as his foot continued to tap faster, the two of you share a look then you smile and giggle.
"How about you show me your favorite gun and maybe... help me out a bit," you walk up closer to him while you see him scan you from head to toe, he cleared his throat and crosses his arms.
"Sure, I can show you my favorites gun," he looks around then proceeds to pick up the r-99,"This gun is fast like me!," he chuckled then reloaded the gun and hands it to you. You observe the gun then begin to shoot at the dummy, you didn't expect the recoil but got the hang of it afterwards. Octane observed you as you shot your weapon, then suddenly your weapon stops firing.
"Am I out of bullets or something?," you look at the clip and sure enough it was empty, Octane snickered then walks up to you and hands you the light bullets you needed.
"The gun loves to consume all that ammo, try and reload it, hermosa." You tilted your head as you wondered what he said, you only knew so little Spanish. I probably should've listened to the lessons.. you thought, you took the bullets in hand and slowly start to reload the weapon.
"You're gonna have to go faster than that if you wanna become the champion," he laughed, frustrated you kept trying to unload and reload the weapon in attempts of getting faster, after several attempts you sighed and rubbed your eyes.
"Who am i kidding.. this was just some lousy dream," you slump over, mentally drained. You hear Octane's robotic legs inch closer to you and bend down in a crouched position.
"Lighten up chica, cut yourself some slack. This IS pretty much a first time for you." You feel his hand rest on your shoulder then look up to him smiling, he moves his goggles upwards and give you a wink then slides them back down as he stood back up.
"Get ready for the game tomorrow, I'll catch you later." He chuckled as he ran off towards the exit.
For once, you felt a nice warm feeling you've never felt in a long while.

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