The Meeting

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I looked to him nervously and looked around the course, his hand rested onto my shoulder in attempts to reassure me. I took a deep breathe and shook my limbs and stretched, he ran in place then stretched with me while I smiled and giggled silently.
"You ready, hermosa?" He stood straight as his hands fidgeted around, I nodded then headed towards the starting point, Octane hopped on a jump pad and landed onto the roof then looked down at me.
"Go!" He yelled, without knowing, I began to run off then hit the first pad. I flew in the air, the feeling was exhilarating, soon my feet touched the next pad as it flung me upwards. Upon landing I stumbled a bit then continued running throughout the course, sliding down the ramp my feet once more touched the next pad and soon my feet landed firmly on the next ramp.
'This is a lot of work-'
My breathe quickened as my legs ran as fast as they could, the finish line was within reach.
'Just one more pad..' My mind and heart raced then before I knew it, I land near the finish line and fell to my knees out of breathe.
"Not too bad chica." Octane chuckled as he hopped off and walked towards me, he hands me a bottle of water as he squats down besides me.
"Drink up" he stayed there fidgeting around .
'I wonder why he can't sit still?'
I took the bottle Drinking quickly from it, suddenly Octane's phone rang out as he picks up the phone.
"Hey, Che. Wassup?" He stood up as he tapped his foot, I stayed sitting down in attempt to relax my limbs.  Octane paced around as he held his phone up to his ear, soon after a few minutes he ends the call and puts his phone back up.
"What was that about?" I asked, Octane turned to me then squatted beside me again.
"We have a bit of a meeting to get to later tonight." He sounded bored talking about it, frankly I don't blame him.
"Do you know what's it about?" I sat up and looked to him, then he shook his head, he stood up and groaned as he tapped his foot more quickly than before.
"How about we go for a few more rounds?" He Stretched in place as you nodded and got up to stretch with him.

~Night falls~
(2nd POV)

You and Octane arrive at what seemed to be a bar of sorts, Mirage stands there smiling as he greets the two of you.
"Welcome to my bar, (Y/N)." Mirage winks and points finger guns towards you as Wraith stood there annoyed. You take a seat as Octane follows behind you,fidgeting.
"So uh, what are we here for?" Octane questioned, he stood there tapping his foot anxiously.
"I have a little.. proposition to make." Loba stood tall and confident as she walked around the room, she continued, "Now.. I need your help with a little something, of course we'll keep this under wraps from that demonio." Loba said it so firmly, a chill sent down your spine.
"And if we don't?" Bangalore stood there unamused.
"Well,I have dirt on all of you, but of course In return when you do help me out.. You can use my abilities for whatever you desire." A faint scoff could be heard In Loba's tone, you stood there with your mouth gaping open. The room fell silent, all was left was the clicking of Loba's heels.
Click click click
You felt uneasy, and looking around you see you aren't alone, the rest of the legends looked as if they were desperate to keep those secrets hidden and frankly you were too.
Loba looked around the room amused as everyone tried desperately to get ahold of themselves.
"Now then, the pieces are scattered, so this will take quite a while to piece together.. and to add to it, This is a supposedly different Kings Canyon-" Loba spoke as she got cut off.
"I've been there! There were shadow people, but no one believed me!" Pathfinder blurted excitedly as if he felt accomplished in a way.
"Another.. Kings Canyon?" You pondered at the idea of it, Loba continued with her plan on retrieving the pieces. You looked beside you seeing that Octane sat there bored, he began playing with what seems to be a butterfly knife.
"We must all make a pact, Lets keep this under wraps from that demonio. I don't believe It will be good for any of us if he finds out." She put her index finger up to her lips and shushed us as the room focused its gaze on her.
"Tonight's meeting is done now, You can do whatever you please with this er.. information I've brought to light." Loba daintily waved goodbye as she walks out the bar, the bar was silent, a little too silent.
"So.. no what?" You said quietly as the legends turned to you, the eyes of every one of them felt heavy as concrete.
"We'll hold another meeting tomorrow night.. to discuss this further." Bangalore firmly inputted as she made her way to the exit. Soon pretty much all the other legends parted ways, all that were left was Mirage, you and Octane.
"Tough crowd huh?" Mirage joked as he began cleaning up the bar. Octane groaned and tapped his foot against the floor,
"Is that chica crazy?" Octane laughed as he continued twirling the knife in his hand.
"I'm honestly curious as to what this treasure is.." you muttered.
"Guess we'll find out soon." Mirage said under his breathe as if he was exhausted.
"We should probably rest up huh?" You laughed in a nervous fit, thoughts raced throughout your head until you were stuck dazed.
"Hey, Hermosa. You want me to drop you off at your place or mine?" He laughed and looked towards you.
"Huh wha-",Mirage stood their stunned.
"We c-could head to my house." You said flustered as Mirage looked over to you.
"Your house it is!" Octane chuckled as he grabbed your wrist and took off leaving Mirage shocked at the bar.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2020 ⏰

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