His home.

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Flustered you looked towards the TV.
"S-so do you like playing video games or something?" He turned to you and smiled.
"Yup, keeps me pumped." He laughed as you felt his hand cup the side of your body, your heart raced as his body radiated heat beside you. His hand slipped away from your waist as he stood up and made his way into the small kitchen.
"You hungry?" He hummed while taking out some pans, you nodded while your stomach grumbled and roared.
"Er.. mind if I take a quick shower?" You stood up and walked over to him while glancing over his shoulder seeing him chop a few veggies.
"I don't mind, you could borrow a shirt and a pair of shorts." He snickered as he added the veggies in the pan, you rolled your eyes and laughed quietly to yourself then entered the bathroom, closing the door behind you, you notice the door lock seemed to be broken.
"Great.." You muttered while proceeding to strip yourself of all your clothing, You turned the faucet and adjusted the temperature making it hot and steamy.
You took the shampoo and briefly started to massage your head, soon after you rinsed the shampoo off and went on to use the body wash. As you scrubbed your body clean you hear the knob rattle and twist, instinctively you covered your more secretive parts.
"OCTANE!" You yelled embarrassed,"You cant just barge in while I'm taking a shower!" You could hear him laughing as the water rained down on your body.
"It's not too big of a deal chica." He snickered while standing there, you saw his shadow from the shower box. You wiped away the steam only to see Octane's face peeping in, flustered you covered up as your face beamed bright red. You could see octane too got flustered as his eyes widened, soon after you heard his legs make its way out of the bathroom as the door shut behind.
~Your POV~
I am totally going to smack him once I'm done taking a shower...
I turned the faucet off then quickly dried myself with the towel, Looking down I soon realized that Octane left the clothes for me to wear.
"I wonder.. if it has his cologne stuck on it." The thoughts raced aimlessly through my mind, I couldn't help but feel a warm but inviting sensation flow throughout my body. I shook my head then proceeded to put on the pair of shorts and shirt he gave me, I sighed then looked towards the mirror.
"Guess this works." I shrugged it off and walked back out to be greeted by Octane and a plate of what seems to be empanadas.
"It's nothing much but it's something." He laughed and began to eat his food, I took a bite from my plate and it felt as if I couldn't stop eating.
"Hungry much?" He asked and snickered, My gaze met his as warmth began to invade my cheeks. I wanted to feel his arms around my waist again...
"Sooo.. didya enjoy your first game?" He propped his head up onto his palm as his leg shook up and down impatiently.
"I enjoyed it a lot actually, I can't wait til the next match!" I couldn't help but smile, the thought of my first battle alone hyped me up. He smiled, it was.. strangely adorable, like a little puppy.
"I hope i made a good impression though." I twiddled my fingers nervously, I don't know what he would answer.. then he spoke.
"You put up a fight I'll tell ya that much." He laughed  as he continued to eat the empanadas, I too continued eating until the plate was spotless. I yawned then stood up to put the plate in the sink.
"So where exactly.. am I gonna sleep anyways?" I turned to him and as usual he wore that stupidly cute smirk of his.
"My bed is free, besides we aren't doing anything. Just sleeping." He stood up and speed walked to the sink placing his dirty dishes over mine. Looking at the clock I was almost in disbelief with how late it's gotten, heck I didn't even realize that much time past. Soon I saw Octane walk over to his bedroom and I followed, soon after I sat down on the side of the bed as he sat on the other side.
"What are you doing?" I peered over to see him pop off his prosthetic legs and swiveling his body fully onto the bed.
"Isn't it obvious?" He chuckled as he laid there comfortably, then he continued,
"I'll be up for a while soo you go ahead and I guess sleep first." I swung the bottom half of my body up onto the bed and laid down on my side, facing away from Octane.
"Buenas noches, (Y/N)." I heard Octane say in a worn out tone, I smiled blushing slightly at the slight husky whisper.
"Goodnight, Octane." I said back, hoping my inferencing skills were correct as I slowly began to fall asleep.

~The next morning~

Waking up I groaned and looked around tiredly.
This... isn't my bed..
I turned to my side only to be greeted by Octane sleeping soundly, his arm seemed to be laid over my body. His body is so close to mine, I couldn't help but just look at him as he slept. Seconds turned to minutes as the clock ticking echoed throughout the room, the feeling of his body pressing against mine became unbearable.
What would the other legends think?
How will they react?
My mind became clouded with thoughts and questions as time went by slowly, if Octane was awake time probably would've gone by quicker, but instead I was left there waiting while laying in his arms. I scanned over his body only just now realizing he must've slept shirtless, his body was warm and for some reason it was comforting. Soon I met his eyes gazing up to mine as his accent filled my ears.
"Buenos días, Hermosa."

Octane x Reader: Dating a daredevilWhere stories live. Discover now