First Game, First battle.

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The next day arrived, you began putting on your gear while hastily grabbing your keys and stumbling out the door.
"Shit I slept in!," You enter your vehicle and insert the key as you twist it, you brush your fingers through your hair as you slightly lick your hand to pat down any stray,frizzy hairs.
~20 minutes later~

You then stop at your destination, It's the big day. Where you can finally show of your strength in hopes of being considered a legend amongst your peers, you enter the large meeting room where the legends reside.
"Hola, (Y/N). Glad you could make it," Octane hops up to greet you as he fidgeted around, soon after the intercom came on.
"All legends, please make your way to the dropship,"  You gulp nervously then took a deep breathe.
"Ruck up ladies, lets get a move on," Bangalore pursued towards the drop ship while some of the other legends followed behind. Octane nudged you and nodded his head towards the dropship as he started running off,passing the legends.
You laughed quietly then followed after them as you enter the dropship and sitting down, you turn to the legends as they sit there in their respective segments. You look around to find where Octane resides, his segment is littered with empty syringes alongside three screens equipped with some small stereos,a gaming chair, and a controller. He turns to you after seemingly queuing up for a match, you walk towards him and lean over.
"So you like playing games huh?" You look towards the screens as if analyzing them, you hear him chuckle.
"Si! Just something to do to eh... make me less bored," he chuckled then turns back to the screen while readying up for the match, you watch him play and stood their amazed at the movements. Soon after his round ends you hear the announcer come onto the intercom.
"Approaching drop zone," you look up the screens as it shows the randomized teams.

Team 1:
(Y/N, Lifeline, Gibraltar)
Team 2:
(Octane, Mirage, Wraith)
Team 3:
(Loba, Revenant, Pathfinder)
Team 4:
(Bangalore, Bloodhound, Crypto)
Team 5:
(Caustic, Wattson)

You see the legends make way to a platform while you follow behind Lifeline.
"I won't be goin' easy on you, (Y/N)," you hear Octane chuckle as he stood there tapping his foot, the platforms lower as you can see the top view of Kings Canyon, then Lifeline elbows you gently.
"Yuh the jumpmaster," she giggles and smiles, you look at your map then decide to ping 'Containment', soon after the dropship hovers over the general area you jump off the platform while screaming and laughing. After dipping down and elevating your team you soon approach the ground, you run off into the building beside a cage which seemed to have contained a Flyer, you hear its screech and you jump while then running into the building. There you find an RE-45,a P2020 w/ Hammerpoints, lv. 2 armor, lv.2 backpack,  along with some ammo. Suddenly you hear gunshots fire along with some footsteps.
"I'm gettin' shot at!" Gibraltar slid into the same building you reside while closing the door and  proceeds to pop a shield cell, you hear lifeline shoot back at the enemy team. You peek out the window to see who the enemies were, it was Team 3, You could hear some strange noises coming from the outside. The footsteps became louder as you could see the shadowy figures pour in, in a panic you shot at them with your P2020 as they seemingly disappear from thin air.
"Rev pushin'..." Lifeline muttered while popping a shield cell, you hear the enemy team climb on top of the building you and your comrades stayed in. You block one door, lifeline blocked another and Gibraltar blocked the third entrance leaving one more open door. You see an orange sphere fling at Gibraltar as he grunted.
"Bruddahs, I can't use my abilities-" you then see Gibraltar exchange gunfire with Revenant, in the midst of the gunfire you hear something fall on the ground.
"Grenade, move!" Lifeline distanced herself while you frantically run in the opposite direction, Loba opened the door and began shooting towards you. Lifeline shoots back at Loba,downing her as she crawls outside.
"Thanks for having my back.." you laughed nervously then popped a shield cell as Lifeline put down a drone that begins healing you. You hear Gibraltar downs and finished revenant as the three of you run out to push the final teammate, You find pathfinder grappling to a higher level while turning back to your team and throwing down grenades. You run around aimlessly in attempts to not take damage from the explosives, after the explosives died down you look over to your team.
"I'm down!" Yelled lifeline, you shoot at pathfinder then throw out your sticky bomb at his general area, downing him. You stood there confused as to why the team wasn't eliminated then spot Loba taking aim at Gibraltar, you run towards him then shoot at Loba. She crouches while continuing to shoot at you, your health depletes then in the knick of time you finally finish her off. The announcer then comes onto the Intercom.
"Squad 3 Has been eliminated."
Gibraltar picks up lifeline while you loot the enemy team's boxes, you take armor,more health items, ammo and decided to trade out the RE-45 for the R-99.
"Good thing you were hittin you're shots." She laughed while healing up, once again you hear the Intercoms go off.
"Squad 5 has been eliminated."
The alarm goes off, signifying the ring is closing in, You and your team runs towards Bunker while continuing to be alert for any other squads, You turned to lifeline.
"So... What's octane like?" You continued running as you hear her sigh and chuckle.
"He's a handful. Always runnin' 'round causin trouble for the thrill, always out somewhere doin somethin' in hopes of a rush." She kept running then continued,"Obviously I care bout' him, but he gives me one hell of a headache," she laughed as the three of you arrive towards the bunker entrance. In the distance you could see gunfire and smoke, you decide to scout it out from a distance while huddling in a building.
"Those are the last two squads my bruddahs," Gibraltar stated while peeking out the door, soon explosives and gunfire ceased as the announcer comes back onto the intercom.
"Team 4 has been eliminated."

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