You Meet Their Enemy

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You grew up around Dio, and you already knew of their uptight relationship. It's also not uncommon that you'd hang around Dio for a while because you thought he was cool. Jonathan got jealous naturally and had to be consoled with huge later.


 "Uhhhh..." You weren't sure what you were looking at. There was a half-naked long haired man standing right in front of you. "So, you're (Y/n) Joestar. If I take you with me, Joseph will have to come find me and I can finally kill him!!" You squinted at him in confusion. "Bruh, that'll never work. Who are you anyway?" 

 "What? Have you never heard of me, the ultimate life form?"


The man sighed, "My name is Kars, and I am one of the fabled Pillar Men. Your father and I duked it out a few years ago, and I am here for revenge!" His arms became bird wings and you were completely unfazed.

 "Sorry, but he's not even here right now. He's finally out on a date. Can I take a message or something?" Your dad finally found someone who could MAYBE replace Susie Q. You actually liked the woman. Her name was Tomoko Higashikata and she was a twenty one year old college student. (Ignore the timing/year. I don't even care anymore)

Kars didn't seem to be able to understand and you rolled your eyes, sending a wave of hamon down your leg stealthily, into the ground and into the man, holding him in place. He was shocked but not as much as you sent out your ghost friends, dubbed Ink and Error who webbed him in blue string (⬅ error) (Ink ➡) and created a cannon which shot him back to infinity (and beyond). 

When Joseph came back he was confused why there was a cannon out front, and why you looked like you needed to say something. He nearly had a heart attack when he found out about your encounter with his old enemy. 

(Ink: Left and Error: Right

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(Ink: Left and Error: Right. Also, not my art)

(Ink: High Attack Rate. Can create anything using magic paintbrush. Can teleport through ink. Doesn't like to destroy things very much.)

(Error: High Attack Rate,but a bit more Lax about fighting. Can control people or things using blue strings he creates. Can (and will) destroy objects easily.)


You and he were on a trip with his girlfriend/fiancee to Egypt. He had been here before (and you too, but in the past) so he knew what to expect. While you were in Chiro, a building could be seen. You were confused because the building fit the description given in your father's story. You pointed it out and he confirmed that was indeed the building. 

Later that night, you walked outside of a bar that your dad and future mom were inside having a blast. Looking down a dark alley, you could see a figure watching you. He was muscular like your dad but.. Naw it couldn't be.. 'Is that Dio? If can't be, he's dead!' "(Y/n) Kujo... Adopted daughter of the Joestar bloodline...  You will be my first step to once again attempting to kill off your bloodline!!" The World suddenly turned gray and he moved toward you. 'Yup, it's him. He just stopped time.' 

You ran into the bar and Jotaro was already on it, getting up, slightly dizzy so you have him an antidote courtesy of Mission Impossible, and helped your dad defeat Dio again against Jotaro's better wishes. His girlfriend didn't even know what happened. She didn't need to anyway.


You were running from the Purple guy. His cat like stand could blow stuff up, and you have no idea how he's still alive. 'HIS HEAD WAS CRUSHED BY AN AMBULANCE HOW IS HE NOT DEAD?!' You screamed in fear, running for dear life. "You must be with those brats. Now that you know who I am, I'll make sure you stay silent" he growled as you found your dad with Okuyasu. "Oh hey, (Y/n), wassup?" He said with a smile that quickly faded when you broke it down to him. "THE MAN BEHIND THE SLAUGHTER IS AFTER ME!!!" 

"The who?" He said in confusion before suddenly seeing Kira Yoshikage catching to the three of you. "Oh." You all ran for cover before beating the crap out of Kira with you stands. You wouldn't play FNAF for a while though because you had been through enough for the time being.


You were traveling around the city looking for the ice cream place when suddely, a man stood in your way. He looked weird as heck with his magenta hair and ruby red eyes. "You. I've been looking for you, (Y/n) Giovanna." 'Aw Hecc no.' You knew this jerk from your dad's (And friends') stories though you were wondering why he wasn't dead. As soon As he found you he knew he wanted you dead. 

Giorno found you and Diavolo battling to the death before Golden Experience Requiem joined in. You two were unstoppable, Deleting his stand, and torturing him with his eternal "Wha?". 'I just wanted ice cream..' You thought, walking home empty handed.


You already knew Jonathan. He was the best and kindest Uncle anyone could ever ask for. Of course, this has already been used so let's say that Dario Brando survived the poison unknowingly to everyone else. 

Dio sword to protect you and Giorno as you all heard Dario's rampage. He was drunk as heck, and not only that, but he was angry and planning to murder all of you. The World and Perfect Time appeared, immediately sending him to the grave where he belonged because he's a MUDA and abusive piece of crap.

(Requested by: RAT_QUEEN_101)

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