They Dream of You Dying

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He looks around as the house burst into flames. He could hear you crying from a separate room. "Dad! Dad help me!" He runs around, looking and coughing from all the smoke. Then Jonathan spots you and Erina together, trying to escape and coming toward him just as some burning wooden beams fall down on the two of you.

 "NO!" He cries out, sitting bolt up in bed. Erina wakes up at his outburst and goes to comfort him before he suddenly jumps out of bed and runs to your room. There you slept, safe and happy with your doll, Marcy. Jonathan breathes a sigh of relief and kisses you on the forehead, making you smile in your sleep, before heading back to bed.


He was at the same abandoned mansion where Caesar had fought Wammu. Joseph could hear fighting. A girl and a grown boy? Looking into the building before seeing you and Caesar fighting Wammu to the death. Both of you were bloody and bruised and suddenly Joseph couldn't move as you were both knocked down. 

"JOJO!! THIS IS THE LAST OF MY HAMON!!! TAKE IT!!!" shouted Caesar, both you and him kneeling upright. "DAD!! HOLLY!!! PLEASE LIVE ON!!!!" You shouted before a cross shaped rock from the building's roof fell on both of you as Joseph screamed and tried to reach you in time.

Joseph woke up in a cold sweat as a song bird chirped at his window. Running out of the room, he found you and Caesar doing your daily exercises together. They were both surprised when Joseph barreled into you and Caesar, crying and hugging you both like you'd disappear at any moment. 


He was back in Chiro where Kakyoin and Joseph were fighting Dio. You were there too, for some reason. Jotaro then watched in horror as suddenly you flew backward into a water tower, blood trailing after your flying body. He cried out for you and killed Dio right then and there, running to you. Holding you in his arms, he checked for a pulse, but it was too late. You were already gone. 

Jotaro woke up to you shaking him awake. He had indeed been crying in his sleep and you had come to wake him up. For the rest of the night, he wouldn't let you go. You didn't mind. This was one of his ways he showed you he cared.


He was back fighting Aqua Necklace. He keeps you close by his side as you try to escape the stand but suddenly you fall limp in his arms. Looking back he is horrified to see a hold right through your heart. Just like his grandfather, you had fallen to Angelo and Aqua Necklace.

Josuke's eyes flew open and he runs to your room and is relieved to see you sleeping peacefully, your stand right beside you. "I won't let it happen again... I'm not gonna lose you, (Y/n)... I wouldn't be able to take it.."


He's fighting Diavolo again and he's ready to end it here and now. He's punched him right through the stomach. Suddenly Diavolo's form shivers and changes into you. You had tears in your eyes. "D-dad? W-why?.." You fell limp into Golden Experience's hands as he cried out in anguish.  

 Giorno woke up to the smell of breakfast and runs to your room. You aren't there. He falls to his knees and cries. "I'm so sorry... I'm so so sorry, (Y/n)..." 

 "Dad? Are you okay?" He looks up suddenly to see his very confused daughter standing in the door way. He runs to you, giving you the biggest hug ever. "I'm gonna keep you safe forever. I can't lose you... Don't let me hurt you either, okay?" You give your dad a reassuring pat on the back though you are very confused.


You, Giorno, and he were at Dario's house and he was trying to protect you both. The World wouldn't appear and his Vampire powers weren't working. Suddenly Dario appears out of no where and grabs you and Giorno, throwing Giorno to the ground and stomping on his head so hard, blood flies everywhere. He then proceeds to snap your neck and you fall to the ground. Your father watched helplessly as his kids are murdered right in front of him.

As soon as he woke up, he ran to find you two playing with Jonathan, George II, and Lisa Lisa. Dio had been sick, and it had only been a fever dream. Dio slumps in the doorway and his brother catches him. "Dio, you shouldn't be out of bed! You're ill!" 

"I... Need to... Protect them..." Dio said sadly before drifting into a dreamless slumber.

(Scenario Requested by: JustStayWeirdForMe)

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