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Clint stared at me for a long moment, eyes looking awe struck, before I waved my hand in front of his face. That caught his attention. He snapped out of his daydream and shook his head rapidly to clear his thoughts to focus on the question at hand.

"Sorry to be so blunt about it, but all of my belongings that I have left are in the hotel room... And I really don't wanna sleep in my jeans and this outfit..." With the mention of my outfit he looked me up and down, lingering slightly on my chest. I looked down to see what he was looking at. Well shit... 

One of the buttons on my shirt had popped off, probably when Thor picked me up, and I was showing quite a bit of cleavage now. So, I felt no choice but to run into my new room and slam the door quickly before he could see my growing blush. I leaned against the hard door and sighed deeply before speaking.

"Clint I would really, really appreciate at least a shirt please." I heard a mumble in response before quick steps retreated from my door. Wow, nice going there Jess. Real smooth. Well, at least now I had time to get in a quick shower and check out the room. 

I quickly left the door and wandered over to the open bathroom, gasping at the huge mass of nothing but light green and white tiling and trim. The bathroom was just as stunning as the room. I scampered over to the shower and cranked the sucker on to warm. Then I shut, and locked, the door and began to undress myself. I rinsed quickly, seeing as I had no soap here, and shut off the tap. I carefully climbed out as to keep my clumsy ass from slipping and grabbed a towel from the shelving near the shower. The soft, plush green towel was huge on my tiny form, but that was alright with me because it was then that I heard a knock on my bedroom door. 

I wrapped the towel tightly around me and made my way back into the bedroom. I stepped up to the door and cracked it open just enough to see who it was. It was Thor and Loki, each standing with confused looks at my cautiousness. So as to not make them suspicious, I threw the door open to allow them in. They both stepped in, blushed at me in nothing but a towel, and then made sure to keep their gazes way above my neck. Ha ha. 

"My queen, we have come to bring you the clothes you requested. Clint said he would have given you some of his but said that he had a 'problem' to deal with. So, we have brought a Midguardian shirt from Thor, and some short pants from me. We don't really have anything to fit you so these will have to do." Both bowed towards me and offered their articles of clothing. I giggled and accepted them graciously.

"Thank you boys. By the way, you can both call me Jessie or Jess. Whichever you would like to. Now then, I am exhausted from all the events today so I am going to hit the hay."

"But Miss- Jessie, there is no hay here. I do not see, either, why you would want to hit it so." Thor had such a lost puppy look written on his stubbled face that I couldn't help but laugh and pull his shirt so he would lower his head.

"It is only a 'Midguardian'? expression. It means I'm going to sleep." I softly kissed his scratchy cheek and let him stand up straight again. He clutched a hand to his face where I had kissed him and smiled a huge goofy grin before taking his leave. However, Loki remained. "Was there something else darling?"

"No my dear. Just wanted to apologize for Thor's idiotic behavior earlier." I could tell that that was not it. The jealousy in his eyes was unmistakeable. So, I motioned for him to lean down towards me and pecked him on the cheek as well.

"It is just fine Loki. Good night." He smiled and walked out of my room, softly shutting the door behind him. 

With that, I dropped my towel and pulled on the massive t shirt and shorts before climbing into the plush bed to sleep. Or, at least, to try and sleep.


The rough bricks scraped across my hands and cheek, the acrid smell of blood hitting my nose full force. The ripping of fabric was heard clearly to me as someone held me against the nearest building. They had ripped my shirt clean off. I struggled, kicked, clawed and bit. Just trying to get away from these demons, these men. Finally, they had enough of my kicking so the two dragged me into the nearby wood and threw me onto the muddy ground. Pine needles dug deeply into my already raw hands. I tried to get up, I really did. But then a massive weight pushed me farther into the soft earth, until my face was flush against the ground. This was my moment to scream, so I let all sound leave my mouth. Everything I had in me went into a silent forest. No one could save me. Someone pinned down my hands and arms, while the other forced my legs apart. The next rip was my jeans and underwear. Oh god... please take me now! Muffled grunts and noises filtered in and out along with voices. 

"Jessie! Come on Jess! Come back! Come bac-!"

I gasped and sat stright up from bed. Sweat ran down my face and back, soaking my borrowed clothes and the bed sheets. I shivered at the cool air nipping at my damp skin. But then I noticed the other presence in the room, or rather, more than one. I pulled my knees up to my chest, hugging them tightly as I made out the forms of three men.

"Please, please just leave me be. Don't hurt me again..." I whimpered in fear until a familiar voice drew my consciousness back to the front of my mind.

"Jess, it's just me. It's just me, Steve, and Sam. We were getting ready for our run this morning when we heard you screaming. It's ok Doll. It's ok..." I shivered uncontrollably, clamping my eyes shut, trying to get myself under control. It's just them. Just my soulmates. They won't hurt me. "Jess, I'm going to touch your right hand, ok?"

I nodded my head to Bucky and felt a feather lite touch on my right hand. It was then that I realized just how tense I was. My whole body hurt from being so locked up, frozen in place. His large hand traced my fingers softly, and I felt myself relax slightly, giving him access to grasp my whole hand. He whispered something to the other guys and I heard their footsteps leave the room and my door shut softly behind them. However, Bucky stayed right there with me. 

"Doll, just listen to my voice. Focus on it, go in deep. Don't think about anything other than my voice and my hand on yours. Come back to me." With his words, I could slightly feel myself slowly come back. Back to myself. Almost as if my 'spirit' had left my corpse. 

I unwound just enough to lift my head from my knees and open my eyes to look at Bucky. His blue eyes seemed to glow in the darkness, filled to the brim with nothing but love and concern for... me. Without thinking, I threw myself at him and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck. His stubble rubbed against the inside of my neck as the water works came. 

He held me tightly until every last tear had been shed on my end. Then, he just laid back and held me to him. My head rested against his hard chest as I let myself drift away to the sound of his heart beating.

"Hush now Jess. I've got you. We will always be there for you. Always." I drifted away into the darkness, letting it swallow me whole.

A/N: Wooo! Sorry about having several authors notes. I know, they're not the most exciting. But, I just wanted to give a heads up that I for sure will not be updating Thursday and possibly not Friday either. My high school cancelled prom, for obvious reasons, but some parents are putting together a smaller scale one. And, since I am not a social person and I am trying to push my limits a little, I am going. I'll have to show y'all pics of my dress if you want to see it. Let me know. It is something uniquely me in everyway. Anyways, love y'all!

~Sam :)

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