Green Mist

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I woke to my head slowly rising and falling with each breath Bucky took. He was sleeping peacefully, his arms wrapped tightly around me as my head rested on his chest. His long dark lashes rested against his face beautifully, his mouth parted a tiny bit. His slightly stubbled chin tickled throughout my hair with his chin resting on top my head. I stifled a giggled at his condition.

Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier, looks like a giant soft teddy bear right now.... and he snores the tiniest bit! 

By now, I couldn't hold my giggles. Suddenly I was turned over so that Bucky was laying on top of me, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I bit my lip to keep myself from laughing at his current face.

"Doll... whatz zo funny?" He slurred slightly as he rubbed his eyes with one hand, like a tired toddler. I giggled again and pushed him over so that I was sitting on his stomach.

"Well Bucky-Bear, you have got to be the biggest softy in the world. You are just too friggin cute!!!" By this time, he was frowning again and trying to shove me off. He succeeded and pulled the blankets up over his head. I continued to laugh as I got up out of bed.

"I need to go check on Shiloh and take her for a walk." I stuck my tongue out at him as he pouted and strolled into the bathroom. So, I finished getting dressed and left Bucky's room to head to mine.


As soon as I opened my room door, a flash of black and white hair leaped into my arms. Shiloh immediately began licking my face all over. I laughed and set her down. She began to dance, stamping her front feet in a rhythm while wagging her tail... or rather, her whole butt. 

"Shiloh!! Do you wanna go outside? Do you wanna go for a walk baby?" She yipped and spun in a circle before running back into my room to jump on my bed. I chuckled and walked in to change.

I stripped down,  then decided to take a quick shower. When I got out, I dressed in faded jeans with some holes here and there from fixing fence (guys no joke, literally ALL of my jeans have at least one tiny hole where I was stabbed by a barb) and my favorite T-shirt. I swear, it is the softest shirt ever! To tie it all together, I slipped on my old FFA District Champion hoodie and some boots. Yes, I said boots. Leave me be... I like my boots!

With this all settled, I stalked over to Shiloh, jingling her leash. "Oh Shiloh... you ready to go?" She jumped up so quick and sprinted to the door, wagging her... body, in the process. I grabbed my phone and left my room with Shiloh, heading for the elevator. It was time for some fresh air... for the both of us.


Before we had left, JARVIS made sure to ask where I was heading, probably because of the team's paranoia. I told him and we made our way to a nearby park. This park was nice and open, soft green grass covering the earth. Shiloh happily sniffed along from the end of her leash as we walked along. We walked a ways before I decided to let Shiloh run a bit. I found a more secluded spot of the park, found a nice patch of grass, and sat down. That's when I turned to Shiloh.

"Ok girl... I'm gonna let you run, but you have to come back if I say so. Understand?" She kept a level gaze, staring into my eyes, almost like she did understand me. So, I unclipped her leash.

She sat in the same spot for a moment before running around the grass like an absolute loon. She rolled, scooted and dashed across the expanse of green, tongue lolling out the side of her mouth. I couldn't help but laugh. She was so happy now. So carefree. Then I thought of last night... with Bucky. I sighed.

I couldn't believe I actually let my guard down like that. I have never been the trusting kind, even before the incident. I was shocked at myself for opening up to him like that.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didnt notice the presence behind me. Or make that three... Suddenly a large hand grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. I was face to face with a random group of men... and they did not look friendly. My mind went into overdrive and I began to freak out. One of the men smirked as I began to hyperventilate.

"Wow... looks like you found a spook there Craig." The man holding my shoulder tightly must have been Craig because he chuckled.

"That just means she will be even more fun Jere." The men chuckled and I screamed at myself. Move goddamn you! Call Tony, or Steve, or anyone. Just do something damn it!!!! But my past wouldn't let me. I was frozen. I couldn't do a thing. The third man, who hadnt spoken pounced, covering my mouth harshly with his gloved hand. Craig tightened his hold on my shoulder, his fingers digging in painfully to my flesh. He shoved me down as I struggled with the other man, Jere, moved down to my feet. He grabbed my ankles, tying them up and attaching the rope to a nearby tree. Meanwhile, the quiet man straddled me and I had no idea where Shiloh had gone....

The silent man holding my mouth shut and straddling me began to rip and tear at my sweatshirt, also ripping through my shirt underneath. The other two men began to laugh as I tried to scream, tried to struggle, and began to cry.

"Aw... poor mouse is scared... Don't worry chick... we'll show you some fun. Won't we Derek?" So Derek was the silent man. He snickered and smirked down at me. That only made me cry harder.

Derek began to graze his teeth roughly along my exposed skin. I struggled more, trying harder to scream out when suddenly a sharp pain rang out on my abdomen. He had just stabbed me...

"Damn Derek!! I wanted her to live at least until the end you retard!!" Suddenly, a deep growl from behind Craig made the men stop. I continued to try and gasp in pain at the knife embedded in my stomach. When Craig turned... I saw the source of the growl.

Shiloh stood five feet away from Craig, hackles and back hair raised on end. She looked at him with murderous intent as he released my shoulder. Craig stood and turned, pulling out his own knife. No...

"Come on pup.... bring it on." I tried to scream for her to run, I really did. But of course, Derek was still holding my mouth.

I watched as she leaped for Craig. Jere had raised from my feet, going forward to help his buddy. I clenched my eyes shut, waiting to hear her yelp in pain... but instead, I heard the men gasp. Derek jumped off of me as green mist flowed softly around my body. I turned to see Shiloh standing over a defenseless Craig.... while Loki stood over the other two. By this time, the pain in my gut was unbearable. Now that I knew Shiloh was ok, I let myself fade away into nothingness... 

A/N:   Sorry I haven't updated in a little while. I don't know if I really like this chapter but oh well. Let me know what you think. 

Love y'all!!


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