Dancing Under the Stars pt1

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Paws thunder down the dewy path. A sleek silver form races through the trees, moving her tail to make sharp turns and curves. She runs along the Earth with glee. Total freedom.

She comes to a small meadow and halts, golden eyes scanning the faces in front of her. Her mates... She tentatively steps towards them before watching them disappear before her very eyes. A long, forlorn howl erupts from her chest, shooting into the night sky in mourning. Suddenly, she hears a soft, silky voice calling out to her. She turns on a dime and runs back into the darkness...

"Jess... please wake up darling. Come back to me love. Please?"

My eyelids feel super heavy as a voice speaks beside me. A cold hand has wrapped its way around my own tiny hand, holding it tightly. I sharp sting erupts in my abdomen, causing me to groan and scrunch up my face in pain.

"Jess?! Oh gods Jess! Hang on love, I'll go get the doctor! Hang on." With that, the cool sensation left my hand and footsteps hurriedly left my side.

Frustrated at not being able to see where I was, I forced myself to open my eyes... only to be blinded by white lights above me. I hissed and shut my eyes again before letting them adjust. Looking around the room, it looked like the med-bay of Tony's tower... HOLY SHIT!!!!! Suddenly, everything from the park hit me.

Panic began to over take my senses as two people entered the room. The first made me panic more, as it was a man I didn't recognize. The second, however, was Loki. 

He seemed to sense my panic because he rushed forward, pulling me into a soft embrace... until i hissed in pain again. He gently set me back down and looked towards the doctor before looking back to me.

"Don't worry darling. He helped you and I'm here. Nothing will happen to you while I'm here." That calmed me slightly and my breathing began to slow. The doctor guy smiled sweetly before speaking.

"Alright Jess... that wound from the knife is gonna be sore for a while but I got everything internal fixed." I smiled and nodded as he left before turning back to Loki.

"I-I saw you... at the park. The green mist... how did you know?" I was so lost and confused and scared. He sighed before responding.

"That green mist was my magic. Between my magic and our soul bond, I can feel your emotions at certain times. When you became that scared of those vile creatures, I felt it. JARVIS told me where you were, and I came." I nodded before thinking of something else.

"Wait! How's Shiloh? Is she ok?" He chuckled and whistled towards the hallway. Clicking was heard as Shiloh popped her head around the corner. I smiled and motioned for her to come. She trotted up before gently laying her head on my leg. "Such a good girl."

I smiled and looked back to Loki... only to see him staring at me with a huge grin. I raised my brow and tilted my head in question.

"You are too adorable..." With that, he slowly leaned in to press his soft, cool lips to my own chapped ones.

A/N: sorry its so short but I did want to get something out there.

Love y'all


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