Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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            After debut night, the members of THE9 were up and early to head to the company building to meet their new manager. When they got to the building there were fans lined up outside the company. They waved to the fans, accepting gifts here and there and smiling towards the cameras. Once they entered the building, they were face to face with the company's boss.

             "Hello girls, I see you guys are up bright and early today. Did you guys have a goodnight's sleep?"

"No sir, not really since we just landed late last night," XIN Liu replied.

             "I'm sorry to hear that."

"We are just happy to meet our new manager," Esther added.

             "Well, follow me. She's in the meeting room right now waiting for your arrival."

The girls followed him to the meeting room. Once he opened the door, they were greeted with a small (about the same height as Anqi), cute looking girl. The members sat around the meeting table waiting for the boss to introduce her.

             "This is Y/N. She will be your manager. Y/N introduce yourself."


As I was sitting in the meeting room, I got nervous. My hands were trembling, and I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. I put my hand on my chest. 'Why am I so nervous? I mean, I am meeting THE9. I followed the whole show before they even became THE9. I was a true Youth Producer and now I'm becoming their manager.' I thought to myself. I heard muffled voices and footsteps approach the door. Oh no. It's really happening. I saw the door slowly creak open. There they were. Entering the room like angels. I tried to stay calm and smile. Honestly, I was too busy staring at all their faces that I didn't hear Mr. Boss tell me to introduce myself.

             "Y/N introduce yourself. Y/N? Hello? Y/N!"

I snapped out of it. "Oh, I'm sorry. Everyone is just... so pretty." I got shy and looked down. I heard them lightly chuckle. I heard Yu Yan whisper to Kiki, "She's so cute." I quickly got myself together and stood up to introduce myself. "Hello, my name is Y/N and I will be your manager for now on." I bowed with my eyes forming a crescent moon shape and bright smile on my face. "Cute," I heard Kiki say. They clapped and stood up to introduce themselves as a group and individually. When it got to KiKi's turn I couldn't take my eyes off her. Ever since the show, she has always been my favorite. She was glowing like a goddess and I couldn't help but smile.

After her turn, it was Yu Yan's. Yu Yan's vocals and presence has always made an impression on me in the show. Whenever she would introduce herself, her voice would be calm and soothing. After introducing herself, she smiled at me and that made my heart stop for a second. 'Calm down. Calm down. She's just being nice.' I thought to myself. After everyone was done with introductions, the boss handed me a stack of papers detailing the girls' schedules. Once the meeting was done, we all walked out into the lobby.

             "Why don't you guys go out to eat and get to know each other a little more? I'll pay for the food." Mr. Boss said.

"That sounds like a good idea. I'm always down for some food." Anqi said and high-fived Shaking. I giggled at their friendship. "So, what do you guys want to eat?" I asked them. "How about Japanese?" Xueer offered. "That sounds good to me." Xiaotang replied. We all got in the car and headed for the Japanese restaurant.

Once we arrived at the restaurant, I asked for a private room for all of us and the host guided us. I, being the manager, sat at the end of the table to let the girls have their own time but got dragged by Anqi. "Noooooooo, you have to sit in the middle. We have to get to know each other, Manager Y/N." Anqi said. I was a little flustered but followed her anyways and sat in a seat next to Kiki and K Lu. I bowed my heads to them shyly, "Hi." They waved back at me. I kept staring at Kiki. She was just so pretty with her no makeup face. 
The server came to take our order, and I told the girls to go ahead and order whatever they wanted. After the server left, the girls turned to me with a smile. Esther began the conversation with a smile, "Soooo manageeerrr, how old are you? You look pretty young to be managing us because when you think of managers they tend to be older, ya know what I mean?"

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