Chapter 12: Housewarming Party

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This was such a cute pic of Kiki I had to put it here <3

Third Person POV:

The girls won't have any schedules for a couple of days, so Y/N decided to stay home and chill. She was currently laying on the couch deciding what to eat for dinner. 'Should I order takeout or cook? Hmmm, I am craving fried chicken; maybe I should order takeout.' She pondered. As if on cue, her thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell. 'Who is at my door?' She got up and looked through the intercom.

"Hiiiii~" all the girls waved at the camera. She opened the door.

"What are you guys doing here?" She smiled.

"Awww~ look how happy she is that we're here," Xiaotang patted her cheeks.

The girls came in carrying bags of snacks, alcohol, and fried chicken. "Fried Chicken?!" Y/N gasped.

"Were you hungry?" Anqi asked. She nodded like a 4-year-old.

"Why didn't you guys tell me that you were coming," Y/N crossed her arms.

" Why? Are you hiding a man or something?" Xuuer said looking around.

"No. I would have tidied the house a little bit and bought some drinks," she said folding the throw blankets.

"It's okay. That's why we bought everything," Shaking said setting the bags on the counter.

"How is our big baby doing without us," Kiki said grabbing Y/N's face. She examined her face tilting it here and there.

"I'm fine, Ki, but I missed you guys. It's so boring living by myself," she pouted and wrapped her arms around Kiki's waist.

"That's why I told you not to move out," Kiki caressed her head.

"Look at the two lovebirds," Esther teased.

"We're not together!" Y/N and Kiki separated and looked at each other nervously.

"Mhmm, sure," Xin Liu sat on the couch. Y/N made her way to Yu Yan in the kitchen.

"Yu Yan~," Y/N hugged the 5'8 girl from behind getting a face full of the lion girl's hair. "I missed you~ There's no one to cook for me now," Y/N pouted.

"Wow, is that the only reason you miss me?" Yu Yan raised a brow.

"Of course not!" Y/N peeked her head from behind Yu Yan. She looked down and smirked at the younger girl causing the young one to blush.

"Everyone let's eat!" Shaking called out catching everyone's attention. All the girls gathered around the coffee table in the living room and began munching on the chicken. Nothing could be heard but the sound of everyone smacking on the chicken.

"Wow, it's so quiet. You guys must've been hungry too," Y/N looked around. Everyone looked at each other and burst into laughter.

"Let's drink!" Xiaotang pulled out the bottles of liquor. She brought out 10 shot glasses and filled them to the brim.

"Xiaotang! That's too much!" Y/N yelled reaching her hands forward.

"No it's not," she handed the glasses to everyone. "Okay, cheers everyone!" We all clinked our glasses together.

9 shots later, everyone was knocked out in the living room, well everyone except for Y/N. She surprisingly has a high tolerance. She fumbled into her room and grabbed the futon mattresses out of her storage closet. Good thing she bought these while they were on sale. She laid two mats in the living room. She dragged Keyin, Anqi, and Keran on one mat and Xiaotang, Esther, and Xuuer on another. She left Yuxin on the couch since she was already peacefully sleeping.

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