Chapter 4: Drunken Night

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We finally got ready to sit down and have some hot pot. I pulled the wine out of the fridge. "Girls, I thought we could have a little relaxed night since you guys have worked hard for the past few days," I grabbed some wine glasses and set the bottles on the table.

"You bought alcohol?!" Esther asked surprised.

          "Yeah, why wouldn't I?" I chuckled. All the girls shook their heads. "So, you guys don't want any? I guess it all for me," I grabbed the bottle and was about to drink out of it when the girls stopped me.

"No no no no no, we want some too!" Xiaotang intercepted.

          "Good," I poured all the girls a cup. "Cheers to THE9 and no schedules tomorrow!" we all clinked our glasses.

By the time we were done with all the bottles of wine, most of the girls were already drunk. We have some light weights up in here. I chuckled. "What are you laughing at?" Yu Yan asked me.

          "Just everyone. I didn't know some of the girls were such lightweights," I continued eating the hotpot. "Do you not feel anything?" I asked her.

"No, just a little tipsy but I can function," she gave me a thumbs up. I turned to look at the other girls but some were missing.

          "Where did Kiki, Esther, and Shaking go?' I asked worriedly. I made my way into the living room and found Esther and Shaking cuddled up on the couch. 'These lightweights,' I shook my head. Wait, where's Kiki? "Guys, where's Kiki?" I asked them.

"Uhhhhhhh, I think she's in the bathroom," Shaking pointed to the hallway bathroom. I walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

          "Kiki, are you okay?" No response. "Kiki?" Still no response. I turned the doorknob and surprisingly it was unlocked. I slowly creaked open the door and peeked my head in. "Kiki? Are you okay?" I found her in the bathtub half asleep. "OMG! Kiki, what are you doing in the bathtub?!" I lifted her up and made our way out of the bathroom.

"What happened?" Xin Liu asked as she saw me carrying Kiki.

          "I don't know but she ended in the bathtub somehow," I struggled to carry her. I saw Xiaotang and Xuuer carry Esther upstairs, while Anqi and K Lu carried Shaking.

"Do you need help taking Kiki upstairs?" Xin Liu offered. I quickly nodded my head. She helped me take Kiki to her room. Once we reached Kiki's room, we laid her on her bed.

          "I can take it from here," I assured Xin Liu. She nodded her head and exited the room. I turned to look at Kiki. She was sprawled out on her bed like a little kid. 'This girl,' I shook my head. I tried to cover her with her blanket when she suddenly pulled me down. My face inches away from hers. She flipped us around. My back now against the bed. She held my wrist. She looked down at me. I could already feel my heart beating.

"You know I've always wondered what it was like to kiss you," she smirked.

        "Kiki, I-I think you're drunk," I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks. "I think you should ge—" my words were cut off when I felt a pair of lips on mine. My eyes widened. I could feel her lips moving on mine. I tried to resist but I couldn't help but kiss back. Her lips were so soft. I could taste the wine in her mouth. She bit my lip asking for permission. No, I can't this is going too far. "Kiki we can't," I pushed her shoulders back. She stared at me. Stop staring at me like that o.o

"Why?" she looked into my eyes.

         "Because you're drunk," I slowly sat up.

"Not even a little bit?" she traced her finger over my lips. I grabbed her finger.

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