2 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐧

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It has been 2 years since the death of betty cooper. The world was still spinning, the town of riverdale continued to live its life. Everyone had moved on, oh so we thought.

Jughead Jones lay in his bed, finishing up the last page of his submission to college.
'Her smile lit up the whole room. she was the fuel to my flame. The town was never the same'
He looked at it and smiled weakly "I miss you" he whispered to himself, a single tear drop landing on his laptop.
He saved his work and printed the last page, putting it into the envelope with the rest of his work. Yale was his first college choice.
There was a knock on his door "jug you awake?" Alice called
"Yeah" he muttered back, tired from not sleeping the night before.

After jughead had gotten dressed, he looked in the mirror, admiring a picture of him and Betty from prom, "I'm sorry" he quietly stated.
Jug went downstairs, alice and fp sitting at the table.
Jughead had moved out of the foster house and moved in with alice and Fp, who were now a couple.
"You feeling okay?" Fp asked
"Yeah, I'm fine" he smiled softly grabbing his bag "I'll see you later, I'm gonna be late" he left.

Archie Andrews stood punching his punching bag, letting all the anger he had out on it. He gave up, resting his head on the bag, taking a deep breath. The death of betty had taken a toll on Archie, he only realised it after she'd gone but he did truly love her more then a friend and the fact he could never do anything about it hurt him. He'd beat himself up over it, replaying imagines in his head of a life they could have had together. Of course he couldn't tell anyone, his best friend who was still mourning the love of his life, his girlfriend who he had tried desperately to love with his whole heart. His mum who was too busy with her new girlfriend. He was alone.
Archie had showered and got ready. As he was about to leave he caught site of a old picture of him and betty from when they were kids. "I miss you" he said, holding it and staring at it.
He went downstairs, the house empty apart from Vegas his dog, who was going wild at the sight of him.
"Good boy" Archie said, feeding him.
Archie grabbed his bag and headed out of the door, catching up with Jughead who had left minutes before him.

Veronica lodge was laid in bed. Staring at the ceiling, thinking over and over about how today would go. It had been 2 years since the death of her best friend. Her b to her v. She dreaded it, knowing everyone would give her the sympathy look. She hated it.
Every since the death of betty cooper, everyone treated her differently, like she was a broken soul, a victim. She wished things would be different, she wished that her best friend could be by her side for senior year, and go off to college together.
Veronica had started a business up with Cheryl blossom. Selling rum, to compete with her darling father Hiram lodge of course. Whatever reason would there be. Business had been going smoothly, a few buyers everyday. Money was coming in fast.
But something just didn't seem right. It felt like a part of her was missing. No money or rum could fill that void. Not even her own boyfriend Archie Andrews.
Veronica got up, getting dressed.
She was looking through her draw to find her pearl bracelet when she stumbled across a photo of her and betty from cheerleading. "It's not the same without you b' she said, holding the photo to her heart.
She grabbed her bag and left her room, her father sat on the table.
"Morning mija" he said, a smug look on his face
"Morning daddy" she replied, not looking at him "I'm going to be late" she said, as she left.

The three walked into school together, each dreading what was about to happen. They all looked at Betty coopers locker which had accumulated more pictures and cards and flowers.
Each going off in their own directions, they all got the same amount of sympathy looks and people avoiding them.
But the thing they hated most was the school assembly.

Everyone gathered in the hall, the three of them slowly walking in last.
The principal stood on the stage "it's been 2 years since the tragic event of the passing of a fellow student, Betty cooper. Who I know touched and inspired many of you. She was a bright student who stood up for what she believed in. She was also hated by many, and involved with the wrong people which led to what happened on that tragic day. She shaped this school into what it is today, inspired the blue and gold paper into what it is today and most importantly made us realise that this town isn't perfect, and the people in it aren't perfect. And most importantly the south side isn't perfect and is a dangerous place with dangerous people" the three took a deep breath
"I would like to mention if it's okay with them, the three people who also helped betty cooper into the woman she was, and the things she did. Veronica lodge, Archie Andrews and of course Jughead Jones. Without those three, who I can't imagine how they're feeling, she wouldn't have been that bright, brave girl. And the blue and gold might never have happened. So thank you.
And I would like to remind everyone that if you need to talk our councillor is always available.
Thank you"
The hall was filled with clapping. The atmosphere tense.
The teenagers all spilling out of the hall, racing to eat their lunch and gossip about pointless shit.
Archie, Jughead and Veronica all sat on a bench.
"Today should be a celebration, not us being all sad and depressed" Veronica said
"So let's raise a toast" she put her can up in the air
"To betty, a amazing friend" she said
"To betty" Archie said raising his bottle "a pure soul"
"To betty" Jughead said raising his can "a bright light"
"To betty" they all said together, hitting their cans together.

// wagwan pengtings.
Back after 2 years Whats this. This is the last addition, but I Tonight id update. I hope everyone is staying safe, and don't forget if you're going out wear a mask.
And most importantly
Hope you're doing all you can to help the black lives matter movement.

𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞 :)

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