Chapter 2

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"Ah Katie, Jack glad that you could join us!" My mom said setting the plates on the table.

"Hi Mrs.Maxine. It's good to see ya' again," Jack says putting on his best gentleman smile.

"I told you not to call me Mrs.Maxine. It makes me feel old," my mom says. "Call me Sarah. You know you're like family to us Jack."

"Of course Sarah," he says with a wink to her. " I am deeply sorry for my mistake." He bows deeply to her in a posh manner.

"Stop being such a charmer," I scold him, nudging my elbow into his stomach roughly.

With an "oomph" Jack dramatically falls to the floor on his knees. "I've been hit. Oh why Katie? Why? I thought we loved each other!" He says dramatically pretending to die on the floor.

"The only time I will ever love you is when pigs fly," I say sassily stepping over his body and into the kitchen. " Now get up it's almost time to eat. Plus if you end up dead I would need to fill out the paperwork and I don't feel like doing it."

"Gee I feel the love," Jack grumbles to himself getting up from the floor and following me to the kitchen.

See this is what I mean. Jack and I could never be in a relationship. We are to comfortable around each other like brother and sister. Besides, if we were to try and date and it didn't work out we would ruin a perfect nineteen year friendship.

"You to would make the perfect couple!" My mom squeals while jumping up and down excitedly. See my mom is a fifty-two year old that still acts like a teenager. Sometimes it's cool because you can get away with things and sometimes it's just plain out annoying and weird.

"Mom I told you before we don't like each other like that!" I say stubbornly while crossing my arms.

"Well actually there's something I have been meaning to tell you for a while Katie," Jack said looking right into my eyes with an intense gaze.

Swallowing nervously "what?" I ask afraid that he is going to say what I think he might say.

"Katie I've known for a while now that ya'.... Smell like horse crap. Go clean up will ya'," he says covering his nose and a bark of laughter escapes his mouth.

"Why I ought a," I say getting ready to punch him in the face.

"No, no! Not my beautiful face!" Jack screams in a failed attempt at a girly voice as he runs away out of the kitchen and upstairs.

"I'm so gonna kill you Jack!" I yell running after him.

I used to do track in high school so I was used to all the running. Actually I was the second fastest in my school... behind Jack of course.

'Great the nitwit decides to hide in my room,' I thought to myself noticing my door was wide open.

I slowly creep into the room so he doesn't hear me. Facing the closet I throw open the door yelling, "Gotcha!" But there is no Jack inside.

Creeping over to look under the bed he isn't there either. I don't even know why I checked in the first place, there is no way he could've been able to fit in there anyways.

Right when I stand up I'm tackled onto my bed.

"Ah! Jack get your fat butt off me!" I yell to him pounding on his back.

"Nope this is for all the times you tackled me out in the fields while I'm doin' work," and with that he straddles my waist and starts tickling my sides.

"No!... Stop Jack!.... I'm.... sorry!" I try to say out of breath. Curse him for knowing all my sensitive spots.

"Dinners ready! Come on down everyone!" My mom shouts from downs stairs to get our attention.

"You may have been saved this time, but next time ya' won't be so lucky," Jack tries to say in a threatening manner.

As he turns around to go out the door. I jump on his back in a piggyback ride.

"Come on horsie! Faster, faster!" I shout in his ear while slapping his butt playfully.

Grumbling he does a little hop down the stairs and gallops to the table and plops me very unladylike in my seat.

Everyone takes their seat at the table so it consists of: my mom, dad, Jack, his mom and dad, and me. On the table there is cooked turkey, a side of mashed potatoes with bowls of broccoli and asparagus, and a pitcher of lemonade on the table.

"Dig in everybody," my mom says and everyone does just that.

It's silent. All you an hear is the banging and scraping of utensils against the plate.

'Hmm... maybe this might be an actual peaceful dinner for once,' I think to myself.

"So Katie. Have you come to your decision about takin over the farm?" My dad says casually right in the middle of eating.

Oops looks like I spoke to soon.

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