Chapter 5

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"So... Are you ok now?"Jack asked me as we walk around the barn and pet the horses as we pass by.

"Yeah ill be fine. Don't you worry about me," I say back to him to calm his nerves.

"Are you kidding me? Not worry about you? There isn't a day that goes by that I'm not worried about you falling off a horse, getting trapped underneath a tractor, or being bitten by Flash! Your a disaster waiting to happen!" He cries nudging me in the shoulder playfully.

"Gee now I feel special," I grumble while rubbing the pain out of my shoulder. "And your three times the size of me. You could squash me like a bug, so be careful!"

"Ah I could, but I don't," he points out smartly.

"Oh just shut up already," I say now becoming frustrated with him.

"You don't want me to shut up because you love me, you lo lo love me," he sings right in my face while doing a weird happy dance.

"No I don't," I say stubbornly while crossing my arms and turn away. If you haven't noticed already I tend to do that a lot.

"Come on admit it you do, and you always have," he whispers while lightly blowing on the back of my neck.

"Stop it Jack," I whine getting a shiver down my spine when he did that. "You know that tickles me."

"You should've seen your face," he says laughing so much he's practically rolling on the floor. "And look your blushing! Blushing! Oh my god!"

I quickly cover my blushing face and speed walk away from him and out of the barn.

"Hey Katie! Come on I was just joking. Take a laugh for once," he said running to catch up to me.

"Lets just ignore this conversation ok?" I asked wanting it to end.

"Ok, it's already forgotten," he says crossing his heart with his hand.


Walking back to my house I notice my dad isn't home. He probably just went to ride Commit. His eight year old Pinto. Like me, being with his horse helps him blow off steam.

"Come on let's head up to my room," I say to Jack and we both walk up the stairs.

We both plop down on my queen size bed and lay next to each other looking up at the ceiling.

"I wanna get out of here Jack. Just for a few days if I could. Just to get a taste of a different life. You know what I mean?" I say out of the blue not even looking at him.

"Well why don't we? I mean we could go for a little bit and see what happens. I have some money saved up in case I wanted to do something, so why not?" He said.

This makes me sit up and look at him. I didn't see one ounce of amusement on his face, he really was serious about this.

"Jack have you gone mad? Do you even realize what you are saying?" I ask him starting to get worried that he has finally lost it.

"Katie you are always talking about how you want to see the world and try new things. Now I might not be able to give you the world, but I can give you a one week vacation," Jack said sitting up to face me. "So where do you want to go?"


Ooooo where do you think they are going to go? Will they even come back?

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