A Real Cruel Summer

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Meanwhile in the summer of June and July of 2020....................

William and Ralph recovered from their COVID-19 and returned to their wives but still had to be masked up for awhile and wore plastic gloves on their hands.

As for everyone else in the entire world, you'd think the heat waves would kill the virus during the pandemic but it didn't. It's just a real cruel summer for those who are severely ill at home quarantined or at the hospital. It's definitely a cruel summer in Denver Colorado, Florida, California and Arizona, ugh, when will this ever end? A second wave of the virus hits America again, what a cruel summer. Even the cases of the virus continues to raise in large numbers, it's a cruel, cruel summer.

The texting between William Zabka and Ralph Macchio...............

"Hey, were not putting up our YouTube show Cobra Kai as it'll go straight to Netflix instead from what I just heard" William texted Ralph.

"Oh now that sucks, what if some people don't want to watch it on Netflix, huh?" Ralph texted to William.

"Yeah it does suck but what can we do now that the release date won't make up its mind by playing tricks on our fans" William texted Ralph.

"It'll be a long time to release our show as some are saying that it'll be released sometime next spring of 2021" Ralph texted William.

"There is nothing else we can do but just wait until what next year will come of" William texted Ralph.

William and Ralph ended their textings by concluding their bye byes for a now.

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