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After finishing primary school, GABRIEL parent was very pressed about the school he should attend, being the only male child, his father doesn’t want him far from home, also he want him to go to the best private school like his elder sister.

He was then admitted into The Elegant group of school, this school is one of the best school in the city, it’s student were bright and smart, their success in international exams was excellent no wonder his sister made it in her first trial.

His class is made up of 24 students, sixteen males, and eight females, their class teacher was a female, she teaches the English language and very good at it. While in JSS2 he had a rough argument with CHIOMA, it was a heated argument the whole teacher heard of it.

What simply caused this was because he was running and mistakenly pushed CHIOMA with his hand on her breast as they both fall to the ground, she didn’t take it pleasantly, he apologized several time as the class laughter kept fueling her rage, CHIOMA and her friends claimed it was intentional, she reported and the whole teacher said he purposely touched her sensitive part, he was flogged and pushed, he told himself not to run again in class.

In JSS 3 another incident happened which left him heartbroken, they were to submit their classwork on the front desk when he noticed BISI one of his classmate is trying to skip her book to the front among the pile of books on the table, he stood up and went to her, he snapped the book away from her to put it at the back where it supposed to be, giving the fact that she submitted last, she was angry and the next she did was kicked him in between his legs, he was in serious pain rolling on the floor as their class teacher stormed in asking for what happened.

The class explained the incident, and what the teacher could say was
“Sorry Gabriel, she said she didn’t mean to kick you in  place”
He was really bemused and felt dejected instantly, Not only does a kick in the balls hurt like heck, but enough force can also cause serious scrotal or testicular trauma that requires emergency treatment; kicking between the balls is dangerous for men as the pain is 2/10th of pains women suffered when in labor, two things raged his mind as he walked back in pain to his sit,
I touched someone unintentionally in her sensitive part and was flogged for it, while someone kicked me intentionally in my sensitive and private part and was told sorry, what is really going on!

BISI was then told to kneel down, arms up, and closed her eyes for sometimes then set free to go back to her sit.

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