where is the evidence?

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Getting a job in the county after graduation was by luck and chance, every year the numbers of graduates keep increasing and the number of unemployment is skyrocketing.

He was lucky to get a call from a big commercial provisional store in LEKKI for an interview. After the screening, his application was accepted and he became the store accountant.

The store was own by a very wealthy woman though she was married with two children, a boy, and a girl. Her husband and children stay in the USA while she stays at home to dedicate her time to her business.

After two years, he found his way into his boss heart due to his honesty, complacency, and manners, she entrusted her business dynasty to him, his advice was easily picked because he has her ears anytime.

One day his boss asked him over to discuss financial planning for the coming months. He was puzzled about it, this was unusual of her, she never asked him to come to her house to discuss office matters before though, he always visit her anytime he like which is surely not for business purposes.

Upon his arrival, the maid told him the boss said he should come into her room for the discussion and that she just suddenly felt ill and didn’t felt like coming down. This made him curious and went up to check on her.

In her room she was on the bed with the duvet cover over her body, he could only see her head rested on the pillowcase, he asked what was wrong and if he could get her anything, she said Yes but firs he should lock the door behind him as he entered and he should come closer to the bed, which he did.

She told him briefly that the cause of the sudden illness was that she had missed her husband and her children and would want him to have her body till her husband returned, she removed the duvet cover and he saw her naked body, he couldn’t believe his eyes, everything was like he was watching a movie and he wants it to stop, his breathing became faster and his ears were only listening to his hard breathe, despite the AC was on he started sweating and he can’t feel his bottom as he sat on the bed beside her.

He ran through his life in an instant, he remembered he has been placed under so many difficult situations with a woman under different circumstances and this comes with he mustn’t tell anyone, even if he does no one would believe him to how he has been treated differently because of his masculine gender dictate he is strong and deserved less empathy to being locked up for protecting himself against woman abuse and now this,
“What should I do?” He pondered as he re-sited on the bed.

He looked into her boss's eyes, he saw the spark of fire ranging and blazing but this fire wasn’t red, it was blue, looming him over, her mouth and nose were irresistible, he knew finally woman is the pathway to heaven or hell.

He stood up, wiped his sweat, and looked at her, and also looked at the door.

“I am not confused,” he said to himself and gave a long sigh as he thinks deep again.

I know what to pick what I couldn’t picture is if men remain to be blamed for not controlling their lust by their fellow men and women were praised for it by both men and women.

Those doing prostitute were women and they earn money for their lust, what will the society say if men start building motels and dressed half-naked outside for women to patronize them.

Her boss had been kind to him, treated him differently; raised his salary every year for three years, he just couldn’t picture it was all because of luring him to her bedside.

He walked towards the door and she ran towards him with her naked self and stood in front of the door then told him if he leaves, he should forget about his work and everything she gave him.

That doesn’t move him, she saw that he is going to leave then she screamed, her maid and the gateman came in; They heard the door fight between them and think he wants to rape their boss while naked on the bed, he later forced his way out; the gateman couldn’t maneuver him as he marches forward to the gate.

He knew he can’t go to the store because his work there is done as at that moment; 2hours later police stormed his parent's house and arrested him. He didn’t border to argue with the police, he knows they won’t listen to his complaint anyway.
When his parent heard he was arrested, they ran straight to the police station with anger, this resentment was not towards the police but towards him for such action for the second time.

“I told you, you are a disgrace to this family” was what his father could say first
His mother looked at him in tears and said
“Why are you making me sad and embarrassing me publicly is it because you are the only son?”
“I didn’t do it” was all he could say to them before he turns away from them to sit with his fellow cellmate.

Three days later, he was charged with an attempt to commit rape and assault a woman, there is no proof; his boss has her voice as a woman with a witness, Gabriel was sentenced to life in prison.

10 years later in prison. his case was reviewed as the government grants him and some other inmate presidential pardon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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