Part 14//The Exams Begin

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Disclaimer: I...don't own Naruto. I hate that I have to remind myself of that fact every time I update T_T

Author's Note: Er...a little later than I intended. I apologize for that. I've been pretty busy recently with work and (now) school. Lovely...let year two of college begin! :O

While I continue to figure out what I won't do with my life, you all can read! Hope you enjoy :)

BTW: Yes, I know I decided to add the Ninja Info Cards. I thought of a way to make them different! Plus, I felt the need to properly introduce Kabuto. Anywho...enjoy again :)

"'s a lot of people here." Hinata mumbled to her team.

The members of Team Three walked into the examination room and were greeted by the sight of hundreds of genin. The genin ranged from different villages, ages, and appearances. Collectively, the group was intimidating to anyone who walked in. Nearly all eyes in this intimidating group were staring at the members of Team Three.

"I knew there would be lots of competition, but damn. This is going to be such a drag." Shikamaru groaned.

"...heh. Sure." Naruto laughed, his voice a contradictory mixture of confidence and uneasiness.

The three friends walked further into the room, ignoring all the eyes on them the best that they could. They were about to take some empty seats when they heard yelling.



"...I recognize that annoying shouting anywhere." Shikamaru grumbled.

Team Three walked in the direction of the yelling and found the sources: Yamanaka Ino and Haruno Sakura. The blonde and the pink-haired girls were shouting at each other while clinging on to Uchiha Sasuke, who seemed more annoyed than usual.

"...that's really annoying." Naruto mumbled, rubbing his ears. He hadn't spent much time around the two girls recently, so their combined noise hurt his ears.

"And un-proper." Hinata frowned. She didn't act like that around Naruto, so why do they do that to Sasuke?

"I almost feel sorry for him." Shikamaru added, rubbing his own ears.

"Same here!"

Naruto, Hinata, and Shikamaru turned around and saw three guys approaching them: Akimichi Chōji holding a bag of chips, Aburame Shino, and Inuzuka Kiba with Akamaru on his head.

"Chōji!" Naruto cheered, rushing up to his friend and gave him a high five. "Great to see you again dattebayo!" He then turned to the other two guys. "You too Shino, Kiba!"

"What's up Naruto? Been awhile." Kiba noted. Akamaru barked in agreement. "Good to see you too Hinata!"

Shikamaru noticed that Kiba didn't greet him. 'Probably still pissed at me. Eh, whatever.' The Nara shrugged before walking over to Chōji to talk to him.

"How long have they been fighting like this?" Hinata asked.

"Three minutes, twenty-seven seconds." Shino answered immediately.

"We've been counting!" Chōji stated while holding out his bag of chips to Shikamaru.

"Troublesome. Only those two would fight over him in a place like this." Shikamaru replied as he took a chip from his friend's bag. The Akimichi laughed in response.

While the group of six talked, Sasuke was watching and progressively getting more annoyed. It was starting to show on his face: not that the two screaming kunoichi attached to him noticed. He wasn't one for conversation, but if it meant getting away from the screaming girls, he would talk for hours! With that mindset, Sasuke pushed Sakura and Ino off his arms and walked up to other six rookie genin.

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