Part 35-36

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Disclaimer: I'm just some random twenty-one year old living in Florida. I don't live in Japan and have no experience with manga. Does it seem like I'm the type of person to own something like Naruto? Yeah, I don't. :/

"... So you are telling us that your parents are Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato, our Yondaime..." Anko started to speak.

"That Jiraiya of the Sannin is your godfather..." Shikamaru continued.

"And that you have a cousin living in this village: one that was formerly working for Orochimaru?" Hinata finished.

Naruto rubbed the back of his head sheepishly in response. The Hokage had given him the okay to inform anybody he deemed trustworthy about the 'revelations' he had learned the day before. He knew his teammates were trustworthy and would not spread the information, and therefore, he wasted no time in telling them. When Anko invited the team to a celebratory home-cooked breakfast at her apartment to congratulate them on earning their promotions, Naruto decided that was the time to let them know.

Just like him, however, the three other members of Team Three were quiet and in deep-thought after hearing everything. It was a lot to take in all at-once. The silence was finally broken by Anko with a deep sigh.

"Well damn. I guess becoming a chūnin doesn't really mean much after all of that." The newly-appointed jōnin commented. "Still, Namikaze Minato? The fucking Yondaime?" Anko then leaned forward to get a better look at Naruto's face. She then proceeded to chuckle. "Don't know how none of us have seen that. Honestly, you look a lot like him."

"I guess a little." Naruto replied with a smile. "But I like to think I got the looks from both of my parents. I have some of my mom in me!"

"Uzumaki Kushina actually sounds like a familiar name to me, but I can't really remember where I heard that name before." Shikamaru commented as he closed his eyes in thought. "I think my dad may have said something about her once."

"Kushina..." Hinata mumbled to herself. 'That name sounds so familiar to me... but where would I have heard it before?'

"I'd be surprised if that was the only person you heard about her from." Anko snorted at Shikamaru's words. "She was a fucking legend amongst kunoichi that actually gave a damn about their career. And, honestly, I think she actually was in the running for the Yondaime position like your father."

"Really?" Naruto's eyes widened. "Jiraiya and the Old Man didn't really say too much about her skills. All they told me were her nicknames in the bingo books and that she was a good shinobi."

"Better than good, kid!" Anko declared. "Just look one of those nicknames up in one of the older books and I'm sure you'll find something interesting about her."

"Will do." The Uzumaki replied in mock-salute. He then brought his hand to the back of his head once again and rubbed it sheepishly. "Anyway, I don't want you all thinking differently because my parents were badass shinobi or something. I just wanted to let you guys know since I just heard about it, and I'd want you all to know."

"Naruto, you could be the direct son of the Rikudō Sennin and it wouldn't change my opinion of you. You're still the same annoying blonde that I've known since the academy." Shikamaru chuckled in response.

"Oh, ha ha. Funny." Naruto rolled his eyes. The blonde did have a smile on his face, however, after hearing the Nara's words.

"Not trying to be. Just saying my opinion." Shikamaru continued to chuckle. "Although, in all seriousness, I think it's pretty cool that the Yondaime is your dad and that this 'Kushina' woman was your mom."

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