Part 2//Friends, Family, And Training

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Disclaimer: Still don't own Naruto, sadly. There's so much potential with the whole world...oh I would kill to own Naruto...

'And I'm here.' Naruto noted as he walked into Konoha's Academy.

As he began to walk through the hallways, a few of the academy instructors and students there gaped at his presence. The Uzumaki was arriving twenty minutes before class was scheduled, something he never did. It would be considered lucky if he actually showed up to class and time; he usually arrived ten minutes late, barreling down the door and delivering some insincere apology to Iruka. Arriving early was something nobody had ever seen happen before! It was so unusual that a few of the students and instructors that were already there gave the boy confused looks upon seeing him.

Today was different, however. It was the first time in months that Naruto was looking forward to class, if for no other reason then to see and talk with his new friends.

'Friends. We are friends now, right?' He questioned. He recalled Hinata and Shikamaru defending his dream to the other students. He remembered talking to them after class and having lunch with them at Ichiraku's. A smile developed on his face as he nodded to himself, answering his own question. 'Yep. I think we are all friends now!'

Upon entering the classroom, Naruto looked around the classroom to see if he could spot either Shikamaru or Hinata. While Shikamaru was nowhere to be seen yet, he found Hinata in her usual spot at a table in the back. Naruto's smile widened into a grin as he walked up to her.

"Hey Hinata!" He called out to her. "What's up?"

The Hyūga turned her attention toward him, her eyes widening in surprise at his appearance. A blush developed on her cheeks as she smiled at him, bowing her head slightly.

"H-Hello Naruto-Kun!" She greeted. "Y-You're here e-earlier t-than usual. You u-usually s-show up l-later."

Naruto shrugged his shoulders: "Eh, just felt like showing up early today. Anyway, how are you doing? Mind if I sit next to you?"

'Naruto-kun wants to sit next to me? NEXT TO ME?' Hinata's blush darkened in color as her mind started to race faster-and-faster.

"Y-Yes, of c-course." She said aloud.

Naruto smiled in response as he sat down in the chair next to her.

"T-To answer y-your question, I'm d-doing good." The Hyūga heiress noted, poking her fingers together. "Th-Thank you, by th-the way. F-For the r-ramen."

"Don't thank me!" Naruto said as he started to chuckle. "I need to thank you and Shikamaru. I had a ton of fun yesterday with you guys!"

"I d-did too." Hinata replied, smiling as well.

She had a great time with Naruto and Shikamaru. It had been a long time since went out with anyone outside of her family to a restaurant. That alone made the experience exciting to her. In addition, the ramen tasted good, the ramen chef Teuchi was sweet, and she enjoyed talking and spending time with Naruto and Shikamaru. The two were fun to talk to and it was nice getting to know both of her classmates better.

'Especially Naruto-kun.' Her blush somehow deepened further as she stared at her blond classmate.

Hyūga Hinata had a great time yesterday.

"You know, we should head over to Ichiraku's again sometime!" Naruto said.

"It w-would be a lot of f-fun." Hinata nodded her head in agreement. "We sh-should!"

"I'll go find out later if Shikamaru can go sometime soon! But even if he can't anytime soon, we should just head out!" He said with a laugh.

Hinata's eyes widened at the mental image of her and Naruto at the ramen stand by themselves.

True Potential By DryBonesKingWhere stories live. Discover now