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No One's Pov

Jungkook exhales before taking Taehyung's hands in him.

"No, you just should go. Your mom is more important than me right." Taehyung and smiled.

But Jungkook knows enough about him, he is hurt inside.

"Sweety, yes. My mom's feelings are my priority." Jungkook said and kissed his back palms before continuing.

"But your feeling is my responsibility, baby." Jungkook said.

Taehyung smiled, hearing those words coming out from Jungkook's lips.

Taehyung hugged Jungkook as he rubbed his waist.

"But, you need to respect your mom okay. It's okay, just go. I'll be okay." Taehyung said.

Okay, those terrible lies. There's no person who doesn't want their lover by their side, plus after they make love.

They really need each other's support.

"Sweet, you're such a bad liar." Jungkook said and chuckled.

Taehyung pouting, "Then how about your mom?" He asked.

"It's okay, there's about 5 hours to lunch. So we can spend our time together. Orr...... Do you want round two? Three? four maybe?" Jungkook joked and chuckled.

"Noo! Not now, not tomorrow, not next week too, maybe?" Taehyung mocked Jungkook.

Jungkook glared at him before pulling him closer and tickling him.

The room was filled with Taehyung's giggling and Jungkook's who told him to apologize.

Times Skipping

"Are you sure, you will be okay. I promise, after meeting my mom, I will come here and we will eat lunch together." Jungkook said he was wearing his shoes.

"Eat lunch? But didn't you go there to eat lunch?" Taehyung asked him.

"I'll eat thissss little at my mom's house. But when I come home, make sure I can smell your cooking from this door okay?" Jungkook said and pulled Taehyung's waist.

Taehyung chuckled, they leaned in and closed the gap.

Jungkook sucked his bottom lips and Taehyung kissed him back. Their lips move in unison.

After some time, they pull out. Jungkook held his hands and slowly walked out of the house.

Taehyung whined as he couldn't feel Jungkook's big hands in his. He feels the loss of Jungkook's warmth.

He ran to the door and saw Jungkook was about to get in the car.

"Drive safely, come home quickly okay?!" Taehyung shouted make Jungkook snap his head to the voice.

Jungkook smiled and gave Taehyung a flying kiss before getting in the car.

"Come home huh? I feel like an elder couple." Jungkook talked to himself and chuckled.

Of course, Taehyung is his home, not the house he mentioned.

Jungkook pulled over his car as he had already arrived at his mom's house.

He saw an unfamiliar car on the porch. It must be Yeonjun's parents' car. Jungkook thought and shrugged.

"Hello?" Jungkook step in the house. He could heard the noise from the dining table.

"Oh there you are Kook, come here." Hara said and gestured her hand to sit beside Yeonjun.

Whether he like it or not, Jungkook must sit there to take his mother's heart.

Yeonjun shyly smiled at Jungkook even though he was aware that he glared at him.

"So, because all of you are here. I want to introduce you guys. So Yunmi and Seungri, this is my second son, Jungkook. Kook, this is Aunty Yunmi and Uncle Seungri. My old friends and also Yeonjunie's parents. What a coincidence right." Hara uttered.

Jungkook handshakes with them and gave a sincere smile.

"It's written by God." Yunmi said.

Jungkook bitterly chuckled. "So what is the next plan?" Asked Seungri chop the meat.

"Em, because they are boyfriends. Why not we united them?" Hara  asked while eating his lunch.

Jungkook just play with his food, but his ears are always aware of their conversation.

"Ooh, that's a good idea. So, what do you say Junnie?" Yunmi asked.

Jungkook shook his head as a no to Yeonjun, but he ignored it.

"Of course mommy. I would be glad to marry my love one. Right Kookie?" Yeonjun said, then moved his hands to Jungkook's thighs.

"What are you doing? Get your filthy hand off from me." Jungkook whispered to him.

"What Kookie? Do you agree? Aww, I know you are too shy to say this, but I love you too." Yeonjun said, pretending not to hear Jungkook's warning.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows. This kid is too much. Jungkook thought.

"Jungkook, you don't need to be shy in front of us. We are your family now." Seungri said and all of them laughed except Jungkook, of course.

Taehyung's Pov

Its already 4pm. Where is Jungkook? He said he would come home quickly.

My cooking is cold now. He said he wanna smell my cooks, but where is him?

It's okay, I know they must discuss something. I smile as I try to think positively.

I closed the food so it will not be ruined.

I will warm it up if Jungkookie is home. I said as I walked to my bedroom.

The room now smells like him.

I chuckled as I felt my cheeks had a warm liquid. So, I touched my cheeks.

Did I cry?

But why?

Because I really love him that its hurt.

Thinking that they have fun makes me hurt.

I tucked in bed while opening my phone and searching for a Jungkook picture.

I hugged the phone and closed my wet lashes.


End of part sixteen

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