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DAISY COULDN'T RID HERSELF OF THE FEELING THAT SOMETHING WAS WRONG. She could see fear in the eyes of the children and women in the community, as well as the clear devotion they had to Cyrus. She was deeply uncomfortable, but she tried her best to keep that to herself.

"We go to school, we do our chores," Jessica, one of the young teenage girls answered each of Emily's questions calmly. But Daisy could see that there was something she was holding back - something she may have known was wrong but she couldn't admit it to herself. "And we treat ourselves and each other with the respect God demands."

"But you've never been off the ranch?" Emily inquired, maintaining distance from the child but still offering physical support. Daisy sat beside her with Spencer hovering behind.

"I brought Jessie here when she was two," Jessica's mother said softly.

"You've talked to lots of children in your work," Jessie muttered. Daisy could see it now - anger. She'd been taught by those around her not to trust people who could take her away from her home. She was showing clear signs of manipulation. She was defensive; convinced that the cruel world she lived in was the right one. "Tell me, are their lives somehow better than ours?"

"We devote ourselves to God," the mother said. "That doesn't mean we're not devoted to our children."

"We're not here because of your religious beliefs," Emily insisted. Daisy nodded in agreement.

"Why are you here?"

Daisy leaned forward, her hands clasped in front of her. "We received a phone call alleging that an adult male member of your church was having inappropriate relations with the younger women here."

Jessie's eyebrows furrowed. "You're talking about Cyrus."

"What makes you say that?" Emily asked.

Jessie's mother quickly became skittish as the young girl struggled to justify herself. "Jessie, come on."

"Is its inappropriate for a husband to share a bed with his wife?" Jessie regained her composure.

Daisy pursed her lips. "You're married to Cyrus?"

"Yes," Jessie nodded. "Cyrus is my husband and a prophet. It's an honour to bare his children."

"Jessica, you're fifteen years old," Spencer said gently. "The state of Colorado requires parental consent."

Daisy's eyes flickered to the mother. She appeared almost guilty. Emily noticed this too. "She gave consent."

Suddenly, a loud bang sounded on the premises, and Daisy jumped up quickly in surprise. Several men with guns ran into the room, pointed towards the trio. Cyrus appeared to be the ringleader. "Get up! Stand!"

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