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SPENCER RETURNED TO THE HOTEL WITH A BOX OF FILES ON THE MURDER OF RILEY JENKINS IN HIS ARMS. He came to a stop outside his room when he heard muffled sounds from the television he had most definitely not left on. His door was slightly ajar, and he froze a little in surprise, before slowly pushing it open and cautiously peering inside. 

What he saw was something he could never have predicted. Derek and Rossi were reclined in front of the television, eating snacks from the mini bar that would be put on the FBI tab. They were both entirely focused on the old sitcom on the screen, which would otherwise have been an amusing sight if Spencer wasn't so stressed out. 

He looked to the right, and exhaled softly when he saw Daisy fast asleep on the bed, curled up in the fetal position with one arm tucked under the pillow and the other curled into her chest. She was snoring lightly, but not so much that it was disturbing anyone. Spencer could see that even in her sleep, she was in deep thought about something, her brow furrowed and her lips in a deep frown. 

"What are you guys doing here?" he finally asked, closing the door behind him and walking over. He'd expected to work this 'case' alone, as its was personal tho him and he hadn't exactly wanted to bother anyone else with it.

"Hey," Derek nodded at him, before returning his attention to the show, while Rossi didn't even look up. "What's it look like we're doing?"

"Uh, breaking into my room and watching 'Days Of Our Lives?" Spencer responded quickly, then glancing back at Daisy. "And making use of my bed."

"It's Young and the Restless," Rossi corrected him, reaching for the remote and muting the show. "And she was tired and bored, so she took a nap."

"Aren't you supposed to be on a plane back to D.C?" Spencer hung his bag over one of the barstools by the small kitchenette. 

"You're supposed to be hanging out with your mom," Rossi retorted, grabbing the tin of cashews between him and Morgan and grabbing a handful. 

"And you're not," Derek finished, looking rather unimpressed. He then gestured to the box that Spencer had placed on the seat. "Riley Jenkins?"

Spencer didn't respond, rubbing his nose as he realised he couldn't lie his way out of this one. He stepped in front of the barstool, blocking the files from view. "No, it's not...that's actually not why I'm here."

"Reid," Derek sat up, putting his snack on the small table he and Rossi were sharing. "Come on, man. Who do you think you're talking to?"

Spencer averted his eyes. 

"I know what this has been doing too you," Derek stood up and walked over to his colleague. 

Rossi did the same. "Let us help. Maybe together we can find out who killed him."

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