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DAISY HUNG BACK, LOOKING OVER THE SHOULDERS OF HER COLLEAGUES AS THEY STARED INTO THE INTERROGATION ROOM. William Reid sat at the table, looking around the small area as a way to pass the time. He and Spencer didn't look alike, which was something Spencer had mentioned in his office only a few hours ago. Something about prolonged exposure, and how they hadn't had any of that in their relationship. 

"You still think he did it, don't you?" Derek stepped up beside Spencer, who hadn't said much since they brought his father into custody. 

"Why shouldn't I?" the genius muttered.  

"Well, for one thing," Morgan began. "Gary Michaels fits the profile. For another, he fled town after Riley's murder. He's a better suspect than your dad, Reid."

"He's a convenient one," Spencer responded shortly. Daisy tucked her hands in her back pockets and looked through the one sided glass. William was more withered than his son in the face, and he held himself completely differently. Spencer had a strange aura about him - one that wasn't confident in how he presented himself physically, but in his intellect. "Someone slipped the file under my door, Morgan. What am I supposed to think?"

"Maybe they're trying to help," Daisy suggested, leaning against the desk, her eyes not moving from William. She could feel Spencer looking down at her as if to say, 'really?', but she didn't return the gaze. "I don't know, Spence. He's hiding something, but I don't think it's that he killed Riley Jenkins."

"Maybe they're trying to protect him," Spencer said, his eyes travelling back to his father. 

"You're talking about someone helping to cover up the murder of a child," Rossi's voice was low, calm. "Who would do that?"

"Do you remember how resistant Detective Hyde was when I asked him to bring in my father?" Spencer asked. Daisy pursed her lips, thinking back to when Spencer put William forward as a possible suspect. The detective they were working with had been reluctant, speaking of how he didn't want to 'ruin reputations'.

"So, what?" Derek inquired. "You're accusing a cop now?"

"It was a police file," Spencer reasoned. 

"It was an old police file," Daisy pointed out. "Anybody could have accessed it."

"He told me to go back to the Fountain View, have a drink by the pool, and think about things," Spencer pressed on, not wanting to give up on his theory. 

"You can't possibly still be mad about that."

Spencer shook his head. "I'm not mad, I'm confused. I never told him we were staying at the Fountain View."

Spencer then left the other three, walking inside the interrogation room and sitting opposite his father. 


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