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"GET HIM OUT OF HERE," HARRISON SPAT IN DEREK'S DIRECTION, PURE DISGUST EVIDENT IN HIS FACE. Neither agent reacted, they were both far from intimidated. Derek was angry, but he sat down and put his elbows on the table without a word. He was asserting his dominance, and Harrison didn't like that. He sneered at the agent, looking up at Daisy. "I'm not going to talk with him here."

"He's here to make me feel safe," Daisy lied, sitting down. She pulled a pen from her pocket and a blank sheet of paper from the file, sliding them over to Harrison. "He is my boyfriend, after all."

"No he isn't," Harrison snapped, his hands slamming against the table. The sound echoed through the room and Daisy decided to sell the act by flinched, and Derek made a point to take her hand. Harrison's eye twitched as he got even angrier. "He isn't! He isn't! You're a liar! He isn't!"

"You must not be as good at keeping tabs on Daisy as you thought, Harrison," Derek leaned back and hung his arm over the back of her chair. He sounded smug; he was playing the part perfectly. Harrison's face burned bright red at the accusation. "We've been going out for a while now."

"You've never been to her apartment, I've never seen you," he hissed, saliva dribbling out the corner of his mouth. Seeing how close his Daisy was to this man made him feel the same way he did in the nightclub. He wanted to tear them apart. He shook his head frantically, scoffing. "I've seen that scrawny doctor and your unit chief, but never you."

"Our job takes us all over the country," Daisy explained, looking over at Derek with a smile. She leaned into his side and he adjusted his arm so it fell on her waist. "We spend everyday together, don't we?"

Derek grinned. "We sure do."

"Stop it!" Harrison cried out, slamming his chair against the ground. "I'm gonna kill you! You've gone against His will, and you're going to pay!"

Daisy was quiet for a moment, eventually returning her gaze to the criminal. "What is His will, Harry?"

Harrison spat at Derek once more, causing Daisy to sigh rather loudly. This caught his attention. "He willed for us to be together in body and spirit. You are my soulmate, and we will be together forever. I thought you were pure."

"Pure..." Derek trailed off, his brows knitting together. "As in a virgin?"

Harrison glared at him.

"But I am a virgin!" Daisy blurted out before she could think twice. Both men looked at her in surprise. She would have laughed if she were in a different circumstance, but she needed Harrison to believe her. She didn't falter, instead she cleared her throat and patted Derek's arm. "I'm saving myself for marriage. That's always been my plan, you know."

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