Realizing Feelings

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Y/n's POV
It's been about a week since Jisung was released from the hospital. Currently, we were all in the living room doing our own things. Hyunjin, Minho and Felix were having a dance battle. Jeongin and Seungmin were playing a board game. Chan and Changbin were playing with a keyboard. I was reading on the couch while Jisung sat next to me.
Felix: Y/nnn tell them I won!
Y/n: Felix won.
Jisung: What are you reading?
Y/n: It's called Brightly Burning. It's about this girl that's stuck on a spaceship because the earth was destroyed and she wants to get out of her ship. So she does and then she goes to like this ghost ship thing and it's cool. He giggled and pulled me closer.
Jisung: You're adorable.
Y/n: I am not. I sound like a nerd.
Jisung: An adorable nerd.
Y/n: I'm not adorable. I said as I felt my cheeks heat up.
Jisung: You are.
Y/n: Fine you win.
Jisung: Stop reading for a bit and pay attention to me. He whined. I put my book down and turned to face him.
Y/n: You have my undivided attention, weirdo.
Jisung: You're more of a weirdo.
Y/n: Whatever. I giggled. Is your stomach okay?
Jisung: Yeah it doesn't hurt anymore. Plus, I get my stitches out next week.
Y/n: I'm sorry that happened. But we need to find out a way to kill JB.
Jisung: I know. Guys come here, we need to talk. The guys all sat in a circle in front of the couch. JB is still out there, he's still trying to get Y/n back. We need to stop and/or kill him. Any plans?
Jeongin: As much as I hate to say it, we could use Y/n as bait. We could have her walk around town with us secretly following her and if JB comes and gets her, we follow and kill him.
Seungmin: I mean it could work. But what if it doesn't?
Minho: We can always try.
Jisung: I'm not sure I feel safe with that idea. He said as he placed a hand on top of mine. I smiled.
Y/n: I have no problem with it. But you guys better be careful. They nodded and looked at Jisung.
Jisung: We just need to plan it out correctly. Don't want a repeat of what happened last week. They nodded again before going back to what they were doing. Let's talk in my room. He whispered and got up. I followed him. He and I sat on the bed, not talking just sitting. I don't feel safe, Y/n. I want to keep you safe and JB is dangerous. I didn't get stabbed for nothing, it was because I was protecting you. We have to come up with another idea. Why does he all of a sudden care so much?
Y/n: But you already basically okayed it to the boys. And I'm not sure we CAN come up with a better plan. He sighed.
Jisung: I know. I just don't want you getting hurt. Or any of the guys but mostly you.
Y/n: I'll be okay, I promise.
Jisung: You can't promise me that but fine. We went back to the living room and came up with a plan.
Y/n: Okay so we do this tomorrow, right?
All: Right.
Y/n: Good. I went to my room and laid on the bed. Jisung came into the room and laid next to me. Hi there.
Jisung: Hey cutie. He smiled. My heart melted and I smiled, too. He turned me so my back was facing his chest. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him. One arm moved to my hair and played with it. You're so beautiful, Y/n. I blushed.
Y/n: Thank you. I felt him nod as he continued to curl locks of my hair around his fingers. I smiled and turned to face him. He pushed some hair behind my ear.
Jisung: Seriously I mean it, you're so fucking beautiful. He cupped my cheek with his hand and leaned in. Y/n.
Y/n: Hm?
Jisung: Y/n wake up.
Y/n: Wait what?
Minho: Y/N WAKE UP! I felt a pillow land on me and I shot up.
Y/n: What? What happened?
Minho: We're going out to eat. I nodded and he left. I quickly changed into some ripped skinny jeans, a red tank and crop top, black converse and a black leather jacket. I sat down on the couch and went on my phone. What was that dream about? I definitely...I don't like him like that. I mean, he's sweet, funny, caring, cute, hot, adventurous, daring, and so much more. But that doesn't mean, holy crap I think I like him.
Jisung's POV
Jisung: Seriosuly I mean it, you're so fucking beautiful. I cupped Y/n's cheek and leaned in to kiss her.
Y/n: Jisung you need to wake up.
Jisung: Huh?
Jisung: Stop yelling. I changed when he walked out and went to the living room. My eyes immediately went to Y/n. Damn she looks amazing in that outfit. I admired her and I guess I was staring because she looked at me and saw. I blushed.
Y/n: Don't just stare, come here. I smiled and went to her. She's gorgeous. But more importantly she has an amazing personality. All this time, I was just burying feelings that were slowly rising.
Jisung: Hey Y/n I-
Chan: Guys JB is outside!

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