After the Cacophony-||4||

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Uttara clasped her forehead as it ached mildly. She wasn't up with the family celebration given to bouts of her pregnancy sickness. She could scarcely feel her limbs and was light-headed. Moreover, her indignation towards her meals wasn't a pleasant surprise either. Suthanu and Pragati were taking rounds to ensure that she was eating enough to maintain her consciousness or she might puke any moment. The clinking of the glasses and the trumpets were enough to make her more ill but she wouldn't complain.

She readily presented herself when all her father-in-laws walked undefeated through the entrance and then gently excused the arrival of the brothers-in-law who were bare of her husband's presence. She was jealous. Her behavior won't be judged as enough misery had befallen on her path. A pang of guilt arose around her gut, of being so insolent to her brothers-in-law and she decided to make up for it once all of them reached Hastinapur.

'Are you doing fine Bhabhishree' Shrutsen and Shrutkarman stood on the entrance behind. Her bed was protected by a veil for the outsiders to obstruct a direct view. In her alluded presence she shook her head faster, getting up and sitting. 'I am all pink Bhratashree!' Uttara looked up to the brother duo. 'Come in !' She commanded.

'We don't intend on disturbing you, but your residence doesn't suit the celebration going out' Shrutkarman put his thoughts out immediately. Shrutsen was rapid to whisper a scolding in his younger's ear for being so blunt.

'I agree.' Uttara passed her best smile ' I know I am being reserved.' She admitted.

'We didn't mean that way. Anyways we expect you in the other tent. Mother and Father have left for some prayer and maybe they will come back till tomorrow morning as we shall start towards Hastinapur. But Suthanu Jiji has alternate plans before we put the day to rest.' Shrutsen bought about the idea.

'You see Bharata that I am not in my best health to attend any game sessions. I would have loved to but..' Uttara was feeling awkward again. She could have replenished herself by attending some fun sessions with her in-laws, but it seemed a far-fetched idea.

'I understand.' Shrutsen shook his head. 'Don't force her.' Suthanu had clearly mentioned.

'No, you don't.' Shrutkarman was all ice. He won't move.

'Excuse me.' Shrutsen looked at his brother in astonishment.

'I won't. Bhabhishree' He diverted his attention towards his brother's wife 'I know that you are not in the best of your states, but nothing energetic could reap in such circumstances. You won't live like this. You need to get out and mingle with people. Staying like that can be harmful to our nephew. I apologize if I seem impertinent.' Shrutkarman was palpable.

Uttara looked at this small wonder. He was so young and naive when looked up from a distance. But his throat did wonders when he started speaking. ' Bhratashree' Uttara laughed for the first time 'You know how to get people to walk on your ways.' With this, she stood up for leaving the tent with Shrutsen and Shrutkarman.


'Draupadi, chill. Keep your mind into the prayer for better and I will guarantee that Sutsom won't sneak more mangoes.' Dhristdhyumn laughed as Draupadi stood outside the camp with her husbands.

'You worry' Sahdev looked at his ax again 'a lot Panchali!'

Draupadi sighed. 'If anybody else has to contribute to my misery, then please go ahead.' She looked around. She was feeling uneasy. A lot. And that was the problem. She couldn't show much. She wanted to embrace all her children if they could be balanced in her arms, just like she did in their childhood, and sneak them away. But then all her relations and duties stood rock solid in front of her.

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