Discharged smoke into tuesday's thick air. My fingers curled around ciggerates, waiting Khalid finished commercing drugs. Fifteen minutes passed, Khalid had not emerged. For suppliers like us, a minute, even mili second without paid attention surrounding, somebody might be caught an eye upon our illegal deal. Not means, we were at unfortunate circumstances but they. Khalid should've pursuited them, stucco their blabbering mouth with simple covenant. Shut up or death.
I clutched feather coat, my pulse a bit thummering, notwithstanding we're done this for seven months or so. I loathed him if he homicide mankind.
"Atikah unlock the door." Khalid unexpectedly knocked maniac through the glass, made me gasp instantly. Geez how come he appearead from opposite direction. I blew the lit of ciggerates as the sound 'click' echoed. "Hey what took you like ages?" Buckled down belt whilst Khalid embarked penetrating mist in the afternoon. Khalid plastered chirper wide smiled, his arm cranned to tuck my tendrils." Listen Atikah, perhaps next month you can escape from your annoying chatter's-mother who crazily demanding her beutiful daughter about religiousness."
Cocked an eyebrow, he unnecessary always tells off about my mother's shortage. Regardless Khalid had converted me, thus bullshit if he still mocked ummah. I let out a harsh sigh, tugged my hem of skirt that too much revealed.
Abruptly my mind concentrating back over ours rendezvous. I just a geek and religious girl who wore lenghten abaya, my hands reflexed covered my skin when flap slightly ajar. Sound immensely excessive, but that was me. Mom raised her kid to be a true moeslimah girl. As a daughter, I must have struggled onto similar with her imaginary. Femininity in Islam ploy. At age of eighteen I met Khalid, a boy that cared about my life.
Long story short Khalid lectured me about freedom. He said freedom was the source of true mirth. Be the way that you wanted. I believed him as attempted gradually upon released scarf. And I figured my self out about thriumph and limitless free.Thus, few feets apart from mom's sight, I fetch all fabrics which suffocated. Changing long skirt into skinny ripped jeans or short pants. Don't forget the baggy t-shirt, it was like I gotta rip them and struck strapless sexy attire.
"I thought you'd be happy with the news, but your gloomy face told contradiction."
"Leaving my mom sound too far." I gasped, twiddling my fingers. Khalid never liked when I played fingers, it was childish and irritating action. But I careless, anxiety boosted me.
"Far!? Hey, you exclaimed your mom blocked your intention toward her nonchalant speech. Come with me, I'll fulfill every single necessity you wish." Khalid fisted steering wheel, his breath heated of exploded rage. "Totally I know you afford to fulfill, but it was not about that. Despite endless annoyance from my mom, just would not force me to hate her until worst, leave her alone. She only has me and I only have her, Khalid. Renounce is eternally insolent."
"You have me anyway." Khalid snorted,
"it seemed like someone had been brainwashed by the old lady." Somewhat offended, but I remain silence. He continued. "In case inquiring, I got many new customers currently.""Really?" I pretend to be surprised.
"Yes. And don't argue this time, I invited everyone in a orgy. We drive over there, Atikah."
"I love party." I shrugged, perched my back against backseat.
"Huh ninth!? I will not clean your mess if something happened." Ella sneered with a huff. So we were in our regular place to hang out. Small abandon wine factory, established on 1982.
Dean who gotta let liquor burned his throat paused. Glimpse over Ella, his girlfriend. "Chill. I'm strong honey, after all our man is here. Celebrating his new achievements as paid this all, how generous King." Khalid just set neutral look like ever, smoking his vape before giving it to me to explore the latest variant.
Approbation From Ummah
Spiritual"Blast! Forget your mom speech and elope with me." He snarled, tugging my wrist onto elsewhere. I jerked him, straighten on wobbling feet. Plestered alloy look of petrified, angered, and overwhelmed. I merely unrecognized a fellow that I loved ent...