chapter 12

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"Hey guys!" Adam said as he saw me and boxy come to the living room "thanks for the breakfast!" Boxy said as he grabbed his plate and served himself and I did the same... After eating I heard justin call for me "foxy help me!" He yelled "yeah coming!" I said as I rushed in the room to see justin in his normal clothes "so you want me to pick clothes for ya?" I asked as I saw him near the closet "yup and you're a girl, so just pick out the dress that I look good on.." He said as he sat on his bed "treat me with chicken wing after this.." I said as I started to rumage in his closet "yeah yeah alright" he said as he lay down.. As I was searching I wanted to ask about the girl for boxy..and adam.. "By the way tell me about the girl you're going out with" I said as I kept searching for clothes "hmm.. Well her name is Cassy and I just met her recently at the gym.. She a cool girl and she loves to play videogames haha.. She also knows about our channel" he said "do you like her?" I asked "ha.. Well I could say I have a little crush on her.. I mean she is good looking and really cute.." He said as he smiled "oh great" I said as I wondered why adam needed this information "alright! Here ya go" I said as I threw the clothes on him.. I picked out a white turtle neck shirt and a hoodie and some black pencil jeans "and Dont forget to gel your hair up.. You look way better that way.." I said as I opened the door "alright! Thanks foxy!" He said as he closed the door..
"So justie isn't done yet?" Cooky asked as he noticed me coming to the living room "yup.." I said "but he will look super cool once he comes out!" I said with confidence "nice" chimmy said and then when the gang started to speak random stuff on their own.. "Boxy" I said as I grabbed his arm "yeah?" He asked "I've got your info" I said as I winked "oh ok.. Hey adam!" Boxy called out adam "yeah?" Adam asked as he came over to us "foxy has info" boxy said and adam made a confused expression "well the girl that justin is going out with... Her name is Cassy.. And she is a real attractive girl who likes to play games like justin... Seems like they met at the gym and just became friends and justin also said he had a crush on her.. I think it means that he likes her.." I said as I looked at boxy "oh crush means 'liking a person' eh? Got it!" Boxy said "oh cool" adam said with a smile "um...adam you ok?" Boxy asked as he looked at adam with a concerned expression "yeah I'm fine, Dont worry haha" he said as he laughed and then he left to do his work.. "Uh..did I do something wrong?" I asked boxy "nope.. Its a long story.. But long story short adam likes justin" he said as he looked at adam "oh.." Was all I could say.. I feel bad for adam now.. I want to help him now but I Dont know how.. "Well I guess let's just wait for things to happen" boxy said as he look down "yeah.." I said..

*click* " guys how do I look?" Justin said and we all turned around to see him looking great.. My outfit choice is really great..but now I wish I chose something weird to scare the girl off for adam.. "Omg! I'm totally seeing a different person!!" Cooky said in a joking way and everyone laughed "you are looking good!" Tata said and chimmy gave a thumbs up "yup you'll definitely get the girl!!" Dumbo said... It made me sad that adam is hearing all of this encouraging words.. Which isn't of his favor.. "Yeah.. You'll get a girlfriend in no time!!" Adam said as he laughed.. That laugh is fake.. I feel so bad right now.. Part of me thinks its my fault.. "Well let's go!!" Justin said as he opened the door and carried all of us into the car and then we left to the restaurant..

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