New years eve.

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Elissa's P.O.V

Its new years eve and I'm still in the office. Its fun to read mangas but you'll get through them fairly quick. Sonia is here with me but shes socialising and probably drinking with them. Fun! Its nearly nine and ive finnished all the mangas so ive got an hour and half to kill before i have to start surving drinks to slightly drunk people. Cant wait. I logged onto martyns computer and went onto twitch. I waited about five seconds before starting.

"Hey guys. Today is new years eve and im at martyn and kaeyis. Im in the office while everyone else is downstairs. Im only here because i dont socialise but i can stay up late. So were going to play minecraft for a while and by that i mean till ten thirty cause ive got to go downstairs to serve drinks to people which can be fun cause they will be drunk. Also the cats are up here as well so that will make it a bit better." I said. I plaied minecraft on creative while the chat surggested what to build. It was a fairly quiet night because the yogscast stream was going on but i got 500k viewers on it. It was fun streaming but soo it got to that dredded time. 10:30. Kaeyi walked into the office

"Elissa. Dont forget your promice. Its ten thirty now." She said slightly drunk. She wondered out and started singing the MLP theme song quite loudly. I took off my jacket and went downstairs to where the oven was, which has now turned into a bar, and started making drinks. People kept on coming back for more but i make a four drink promise to my self before i stopped them.

A/N: you still have a chance for the extra chapter. Just get 8 votes combined on both chapters for it then. Also do you want it to be a these are the good books from 2014 or a story chapter

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