Chapter 1

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¨Wake up¨ Dean yelled in my ear

¨F*ck off¨ I said

That when I felt the blanket being pulled off my body to reveal my body in spandex and a sports bra and my messy hair.

¨Learn to wear some clothes" Dean yelled while whapping my head

I grab my duffle from the corner of the motel room and put it on the bed. I dig through my clothes until I find my favorite pair of jeans, a black t-shirt and one of Dean's old red and black flannels. We don't have much money in the hunter life so I get Deans hand me downs from like years ago. I don't mind though because they are big and comfy. I go to the gross motel bathroom and start the shower, I get undressed and I get in. Halfway through the water gets cold because Dean takes forever in the shower. I get dressed and leave the bathroom.

¨Give me 5 mins with the scissors and I can fix that mop for you" Dean says

¨Oh whatever Dean¨

I go to my bag and grab my brush and start brushing my messy hair, it has gotten so long but I will never let dean near it again.

¨So get this¨

I hear as sam comes in the door with coffees and bagels

¨I caught some tea or whatever you kids call it now about our case¨

We are currently working on a vamps nest, nothing too big, but the vamps seem to be pretty good at hiding.

¨I know where the vamps are¨ sam explains

I kinda block out the rest because it does not matter anyway, Dean will tell me exactly what to do about 10 times and watch my every move. I drink my coffee and play candy crush when I hear Cas walk in. Cas gives dean a kiss on the cheek, I swear they are the cutest couple.

¨Alright pack it up we leave in 10¨ Dean yells and then leads cas to the car and sam and I look at each other because we know what that means ... as cute as they are they can not stay off of each other.

I pack up my stuff and wait a few minutes before going out to the car to make sure it is all clear. I throw my stuff in the back and get in the car. Dean and Cas upfront and sam and I in the back. On the way to the hunt, we listen to deans mixtape. Carry on my Wayward son comes on and I fall asleep on Sammy's shoulder the best place to fall asleep.

"I can not believe you did not wake me!" I say loudly

"You are just too young I want you to be safe," Dean says

"If anything were to happen to you" dean chokes up

He has always been very protective, ever since the day he met me.

Our dad came back from a hunt with me in his hands. He had been in the area about 12 months before and had a lady lover, he left her his phone number and hit the road. He received a call from her about a supernatural occurrence a skinwalker and he went back. That is when he found out about me. My mom Beth was never going to tell him about me because she did not want me raised in the life. Unfortunately, she died helping dad on the hunt. Dad took me to the motel they were staying at the time and gave me to Dean who was 18 at the time and left. (Probably to get drunk) Ever since than dean has raised me like his own. But I am 18 now and he won't LET ME HUNT. He says he does not want me to get hurt. But hunting is in my blood just like his.

I lean in to give dean a hug

"No chick flick moments," He says

We laugh.

"Headed home?" I ask

Home meaning the bunker, the men of letters bunker the closest thing to a home, home I have ever had, except when I lived with Lisa, Ben, and Dean for that time Sam was in hell. Those were some good times.

"We have to make one stop first," Dean says

We start driving and driving and driving all we ever do is drive until we hit the gas station. Cas and I go inside and get some beers and snacks and Dean gets gas. We sit on the hood of the impala and dean cracks open a beer and gives it to cas and than takes one for himself. I take a beer and crack it open as well.

" Whoa Whoa whoa what do you think you are doing?" Dean yells

"Having a refreshment?" I say

"Having a refreshment, your 18 you don't get "refreshments"

"You had them at 18 and you act like I never had a drink before," I say "I am a grown-up dean"

"I can concur, Dean," Cas says "After watching you for a long time I know that you were a miscreant at her age and drank refreshments and quite often."

"Oh shut, fine you can have one but that is it, you hear me L honestly, you don't want to turn out like me."

"Too late" Sam shouts from the car, he is doing something on his laptop.

A few minutes pass and I get in the car. After a few more minutes of Dean and Cas kissing we hit the road.

Ella Winchester The Winchester sisterWhere stories live. Discover now