Chapter 2

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At about 3 in the morning, we pull up at Charlie's place. Charlie is a badass hunter, gorgeous geek, and literally just so awesome. Dean always thinks of her like another little sister but what dean does not know is that his two little sisters have hooked up. Last year after a case dean had gone off with cas and Sam was out for a run and it was just me and Charlie. We talked for a while and got some coffee, it was honestly the perfect night. I did not have many females to talk too about things in the hunting life so it was really special. She then drove me to her house. We went inside and she kissed me the kiss than progressed and led to us in bed. It could not have been more perfect. Now, whenever I see her I get butterflies in my stomach. Charlie is a well-known lesbian in the hunter community, but I am not sure where I stand on the sexuality scale. I have only ever been with women but I don't want to exclude men. It might possibly be the fact that I have been pressured to like men my whole life. I love Sam and Dean but they would always be like "that guy is cute" or "Do you have a boyfriend?" But I never had that attraction to a man like that before. I know dean is probably bi with cas and all but he has been with his fair amount of women. Sam I think is straight but IDK I always shipped him with Gabriel. This was just not a discussion we had.

"Charlie" Sam and Dean yelled as she opened the door to us.

"Hey," I said as I walked in

"Hey" Charlie responded with a wink

She led us to the kitchen table where there were booze and burgers. A classic hunter at 3 am meal. I of course had water because dean would not let me have anything else.

"So how is it going?" Dean asked

"Good, I went to a comic convention last week and just finished the umbrella academy-"

"The umbrella academy" Sam shot up " Who is your favorite? Mine is Klaus." Sam asked

"Klaus I would do anything for him I love him so much!"

"Whoa, Charlie I thought you were a woman loving woman?" Dean says

"Well, I am I don't love him like that! I love him like you love Ella and me."

Just hearing Charlie say my name I got the feels, I clearly did not want that night to be just a one night stand.

"Oh gotcha, but I don't think that anyone could love a fictional character the way I love my bitchy sister," Dean says

"No chick flick moments," I say laughing

"Alright imma hit the sack," Dean says "gimme at least a few hours"

"I will join you," Cas says

"I am going to as well," Sam says

"I guess it is just us now," Charlie said

"I guess so"

I move to the seat closest to her and grab her hand. She looks up at me and I feel those butterflies. She leans in and kisses me, after a while, she pushes me down and we lay across the two chairs. After a while she says

"Let's go upstairs" Charlie whispers in my ear


I wake up 12 am it says on the clock, I look around all groggy and see Charlie next to me and a pile of clothes on the floor. I lay down as happy as I have been in a while. Charlie wakes up and strokes my hair. I snuggle in and want to stay in this moment forever.

I must have fallen back to sleep because when I woke up the clock said 3 pm and Charlie was gone. I stretched out in the bed. I decided to get dressed and exit the room. I walked downstairs to see Charlie and cas talking at the table drinking coffee.

"Good morning sleepyhead," Charlie said

I blushed and walked to get coffee

"Where are Sam and Dean," I ask

"They went on a case they will be back later," Cas said

"Oh so it's just us," I said

Charlie gave me a wink and I blushed some more.

We then drank our coffee and talked. We all moved to the couch and started watching Game of Thrones. Some people might find it disturbing but in our lone of work, we do not even flinch. The whole time I am sitting next to Charlie and we hold hands, I do not get to do this much the whole watching TV with someone you like and holding hands. Being a hunter you can not get close to too many people. I dose off on Charlie's shoulder for I don't know how long but it was really comforting. 

Ella Winchester The Winchester sisterWhere stories live. Discover now