Part 3

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¨We are back bitch¨ Dean says to me while peering into the door of the room I am staying in.
¨Jerk¨ I yell while throwing a pillow at him.
I head downstairs where the coffee is and grab some in Charlies don't let muggles get you down mug. I sit at the table.
¨So get this¨ Sam says ¨Couple found liquified in the woods by some kids on a walk¨
¨Those kids are f*cked up for life now, they will be in years and years of therapy¨ Charlie says
¨Ha I need years and years of therapy¨ I say
Everyone laughs.
"So a djinn" I say excited "Let's go get that bitch! Where are we headed?"
"Wisconsin" Sam says
"Let's hit the road in 30" Dean says

I head to my room and start to pack my duffle. When I hear a knock I turn my head it is Charlie. She walks in and grabs some of my stuff and brings it to me, to put in my bag.
"Thanks" I said
"You are welcome" she said while tucking some of my hair behind my ear.
"I guess I'll be going" I say
"I guess so" Charlie says
"I had a great time" I said while winking
"Me too"
"While I guess I'll see you" I said while leaving
I push past her and leave, I want to cry, why do I have to leave.


We arrive in a small town in Wisconsin about a day later. As we drove through I see cows, lots of cows and tiny shops. We pull up to a shabby little motel all we can afford on our stolen credit cards. Dean and Cas got a separate room so we know what is going on tonight 😉. Sam and I go into our room. He is my favorite to bunk with anyway he does not drink as much or snore. He eats healthy so I get all the good food. If I have to eat one more burger or gas station something I am going to explode. Sam is also cleaner. I bring my bag in and set it on the bed I want, the one with the best view of the tv. Sam sets his bag on his bed and goes to the bathroom. I turn the Tv on to see what I could find. I eventually found some hgtv house hunters. I love to envision myself living in one of those houses someday when all the monsters are gone and I can settle. (I know that will never happen) Sam come out of the bathroom and tells me he is going for a run. I decide to shower so I get my pjs and head to the bathroom. I get undressed and I hop in the shower. That is when I hear a clunk in the other room.
"Who's there" I yell
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I finish up my shower Quickly. I get dressed and I exit the bathroom. It is then that I find Crowley sitting on sams bed.
"Hello duckling" he says. (Duckling is his name for me because "I follow Sam and Dean" like a little duckling)

Ella Winchester The Winchester sisterWhere stories live. Discover now